The Raven's War - ED RP/WPVP

I’d very much like to participate.



Stanton winced and marveled how the drawbridge and portcullis of Shadowfang Keep could be louder than the thunder storm currently hanging over the haunted fortress. His horse trotted forward into the courtyard, and he winced again at the repeated cacophony being sounded with the entrance closing.

His eyes flicked upward to the rampart walls and he returned the salutes being dutifully given by the Graveguardsmen manning them. The BDS War Magicians and DIS Field Agents, neatly self segregated to different portions of the rainswept battlements, gave looks of respect, indifference or annoyance intermittently.

He stabled Sally the skeletal horse and made his way to the main hall, opting to duck through the kitchen instead of proceeding through the chapel; even as ghosts the holy men haunting the place had an eye for sinners with a heavy heart. He exchanged brief pleasantries with Executor Holmstein and Doctor Kaligari, lurking therein as he passed into the Banquet Hall.

The usual suspects; Baroness Faustadt, Lord Bloodhawk, High Magistrate Dalaras, and Chief Director Runetotem sat around the table with Prime Governor Benedikt sitting in his throne at the front, looking terribly uncomfortable in it as usual.

“You’re late, General Creed” sneered Faustadt.

“Yeah, well, I ain’t got no portals and I ain’t riskin’ no bat flying in a dang thunder storm” Creed retorted, taking off his hat and shaking it dry in Faustadt’s direction.

Faustadt eyes flared with disdain, but a meaningful clearing of the throat by Benedikt cut off her response.

“Vell let’s kut to zee chase ladies und gentlemen of zee Desolate Council. As you know Horde forces ve’re able to push through zee Dark Portal. It vould appear zis konflict has now moved into Outland. Tonight’s matter is how ve should respond.” stated Benedikt.

“Perhaps it’s wiser if we sit this one out. The Bronze Occulus is sure to attract the attention of larger factions, if not the Dragonflight itself. I dount these crooks will successfully capture if for long if at all.” said Dalaras.

“It’s hard to know. Between the Azerite Crisis, Blood War and Black Empire invasions even the Dragonflights are distracted. Besides, let us not forget the Iron Horde invasion. They’re hardly the poster children for responsibility” responded Cinderion.

“And our DIS research sites could come under fire. The Blue filth defiled our site in Raven’s Hill. Blaming us for that missing tree licker” hissed Faustadt.

“She’s not wrong. We’ve made considerable strides toward training Desolate boletumancers in our Zangarmarsh site. If destroyed that could set back research on a sustainable food source for the undead for years” added Anwe, reluctantly agreeing with the Baroness.

Stanton shrugged, “I already went ahead and put some sneak boys in Hellfire. Figure that’s where the fightin’ will start next. Bes’ to know where the enemy’s at”.

“So, it’s decided ve’re to be involved, zen. Ve vill keep our involvement to an observe und report status unless our holdings are directly threatened or ve sink ve kann tip zee balance toward a Horde friendly victory in zee regions. Anyvone opposed?” said Benedikt.

Dalaras huffed and shrugged knowing well her objection was pointless.

“Very vell. Bloodhawk und Runetotem, I vill leave it to you to secure a supply cache und portal netvork respectively. Baroness Faustadt you vill have kommand over all defensive aktion should Desolate property be threatened. Creed und Dalaras are to manage our holdings in Azeroth vith executive staff support. I vill assume direct kommand over any offensive aktions taken. Understood?” declared Benedikt.

The council all gestured in the affirmative. Benedikt stood and bowed to adjourn the meeting, before exploding into a flock of bats that neatly exited the room.

“He ever gon’ just walk away one of these days?” muttered Stanton.

“To be fair, it’s certainly an effective way to exit a social setting” added Cinderion.

[To be continued]


This thread has much bacon

Next Fight in Hellfire Tonight!

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