I just saw a race/class combo I’ve never seen before: Female tauren arcane mage! What a beauty! I feel like I’ve seen a unicorn. But with two horns.
Shout out to you, friend! I hope I can fight a few more nokhud by your side before the day is through.
I have a Mechagnome warrior I don’t play, because I know I won’t get to keep my 1h swords and the mog is just too cool.
Maybe if they upped the “mecha” part and let them wear pants they wouldn’t be so rare.
That guy isn’t wearing pants. But still, that artwork is amazing! Suddenly I want to roll a new mechagnome alt!
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I want one!
They need to upgrade from diapers to big gnome pants!

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I think they could fix a lot about the perception of Mechagnomes if they just removed the ability to mog pants and made them all mecha from the waist down and put a little more plating on the upper legs so there was a better transition between the leg and the torso.
Very much so. And just lots of variety for the look of the mechanical parts. I think it’s a damn shame they aren’t more popular. They are actually very fun to play. They still have that cute stiff legged run that regular gnomes have, but with a delightful whirring sound to go along with it.
Nope. Mechagnomes are just a myth. What you see here is a post created by the Matrix.
You are in the system.
Yeah, I like the overall concept but they stopped way short on customization options to make them popular. I mean, just giving us a few more color variations would go a long way…but, the ability to wear pants/shirts or even being able to pick which parts are mechanical would have been huge
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speaking of rare, love rocket event is coming up
They could go back to Mechagon after collecting upgrades from all over SL and DF.
Like mechanical wings for example

So what, I don’t exist? I even have the best transmog in the game…
Sheesh, some people just have no respect! Lol no several people have said something.
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I played an Undead Survival Hunter in Legion and again in Shadowlands. He was my main for a while.
At least once someone called me a ‘unicorn’ lol, in a leveling dungeon.
I miss Legion’s survival a lot.
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Strange. On my home server of Icecrown, for over a decade, undead hunters were more common than undead warlocks or tauren druids
lol It’s a genetic mutation
I always mean to make a cool Tauren, but the allure of Tauren druid and warrior is too strong. Hard to compete with the classics.
I played with a mechagnome mistweaver the other day. I felt like I found a four leaf clover.
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