200 k is too much. The discount should be increased and toy should cost 50 k max. The reason only the 3% of the playerbase got it until now. Price is still high for a toy. I love the inclusive matters but those prices are not too much inclusive after all. Many people would love to have it to celebrate pride but cant because of the high price to buy it. Or they prefer to save the 200 k to buy the wow token.
It should be cheaper.
Help me understand wym by “inclusive” tho. So other peons think you’re cool or something?
Should be free, sends the wrong message especially for pride month. Same with paying for gender swaps back in the day. But it’s whatever now.
Oh sweet is it finally appearing for sale now? It wasn’t when the patch dropped.
Edit: Also, it should be expensive. No more discounts, it’s enough they already discounted it temporarily.
Its not too much. Its exactly enough to be covered by selling a WoW token on most realms. What a convienient coincidence!
You know there’s free rainbow toys, right?
Rainbow Generator is free, from a quest in Felwood.
Shuffling Sands is from Valdrakken.
Both make rainbows, good toys to use, no need to break the bank over that stupid whale item bauble.
The bauble is able to be used in combat, is off the GCD, only has a two minute cooldown normally, and can be macrod to movement abilities and forgotten about. It doesn’t compare at all to the other ones that you mentioned, and is in a completely different league in terms of usability.
I bought it to macro to my Divine Steed, and it’s 110% worth it.
50k would be a good price
You’ll always pay a high price for pride.
The main reason it’s so rare is because it’s typically only sold by an NPC with a random spawn timer who is only available for a brief amount of time in Legion Dalaran.
Whatever it cost me, it was worth it!
I’m never buying it cause I’d rather save my 200k for the eventual McDonald promo event and I wanna have my extra spicy McWrathion with curly fries
That’s for true.
I have had the gold easily, I just never could catch that Mad Merchant. If it was on an easily accessible vendor, I would have had it long ago.
I was stoked that they put it on the regular vendor for a little while. As soon as I found out, I bought it.
I have to thank the GBLT for having a month that Blizzard would do this for lol.
Same. I’ve had my banker camping out there forever, and when I saw this thread I was like “WHAT!?” and logged over immediately to buy it.
Or, you know, they could have listed it as this month’s Travelers Log reward. Wouldn’t be any different than them previously listing rare items in the Trading Post or having them be Twitch drops, etc.
It is. The symbol God gave us to say he wouldnt flood the earth in judgement again should be free for all to enjoy.
It was originally designed to be a huge gold sink along with a very expensive pet and mount. Quite a few players made millions of gold off their Garrisons and Blizzard wanted to take that gold out of the economy, hence the Mad Merchant and its whale cosmetics.
the purpose was to be a gold sink at the time it was released…i think there’s plenty of semi-mandatory gold sinks nowadays, so def just lower the price!
Being fabulous is expensive.
Make it cost 5k but flag whoever uses to pvp, for both factions.
would be lovely.