Having the exact timing presented rather than the player needing to learn the encounters on their own is why retail has 18X the mechanics in raid.
When there are only a few raid mechanics that are easily understood; just playing better and knowing the fight is what we should have been doing the whole time.
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The people in retail have the information available, yet only 3-5% of the raiding population clears mythic.
Almost like having the information isn’t the same thing as executing the mechanics.
The game evolved starting in TBC, look at stuff like SSC/TK compared to vanilla raiding.
The game gets progressively harder as time went on.
Even in Cata ATM we are progging heroic Rag and phase 3 has like 5 mechanics going off at the same time, having the information isn’t the same thing as dodging lava waves, dodging the 3-5 rows of fire that randomly spawn and 1 shot you, dodging the meteors and getting the debuff that drops fire all over and run it to the back of the stage.
Having the information of the mechanics is again not the same thing as being able to do them.
You don’t have them in era because the fights have 1-2 mechanics if that.
Lucifron is harder than Gehennas, Shazzrah, or Sulfuron.
Shaz hardest, you gotta move your character…the horror
Whatever you say big fella
Shouldn’t you be online flexing how you don’t use an addon to tell you you’re standing in fire?
It’s prolly good you don’t use add-ons, you don’t get to see how far down on the meters you are “big fella”.
Stick to brain dead content champ
I mean this is how I feel about questie and deadly boss mods in classic, but I aint telling other people to get rid of them, and it seems like everyone is using em!
Add-ons can be a slippery slope. I downloaded console port so I could walk my friend, who’s new to wow and doesnt like mouse/keyboard, through set up. Soon after I downloaded auctionator as a price guide, Druid Bar to keep my eye on my mana, and quartz to move my cast bar an inch… My friend found a voice over addon, we both downloaded that to get deeper into quest lore. Last night I caved and downloaded the damage meter after saying I dont need it… Yet I still refuse anything that will give me a big leg up in the game. Druid Bar is arguably the closest thing I have to something that makes the game play easier.
Just play the game in your style. The addons of others rarely affect you, and if they do, just avoid those players… Im even picky about who I do quests or go into dungeons with, not just because Im on HC, but also because I dont want someone or their addons spoiling a first time experience for my friend, or for me if its a quest Ive never done since Im questing in zones I always avoided before.