The Question of ADDons

i get there is alot of nice things that can be done with addons, we use them to aid us for multiple things in WoW as we raid…

But, more and more i see addons used that mimic class abilities, like activly tracking or warning players of rares, elites, stealthed mobs… this has to go, and or be banned, if you want ingame abilities like that, play a class that have those abilities…

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Since when was reading the combat log a class specific ability? Because that’s all these addons do, for the most part.

To my knowledge, the addons cannot tell you anything that you couldn’t already know.

Spy can only tell you about players you are actively looking at, or that are actively in combat/using combat abilities in your proximity.

Same with the Rare trackers, most of the time you have to mouse over the mob or see someone else fighting it to get an alert in the first place.

You can’t really remove these things without seriously hampering the API, which worsens things like damage meters which also work off of reading the combat log.


Addons need to be banned because you dont like ‘RareScanner’ , ‘unitscan’ or ‘Silver Dragons’?

lol no go away


So what do you think hunters track does ?.. sure it isnt exactly the same, but it do gives you a enchanced tracking or awareness that is unique to some classes…

you are with that addon giving yourself a extra awareness that is otherwise reserved to some classes… why make a laready pointless/situatiuonal class abiltiy even more pointless ?

addons will forever be for bad players with lots of FOMO.

true OG chads pay attention to the game and use no addons to carry them

if you think you NEED addons to be good you are just proving my point

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You can make macros to target rares as you run through zones that accomplishes the same thing

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/target “rare mob”

Keep clicking it.

Those addons are no different than DBM.
I don’t use them and I don’t use DBM.

The only person that really needs DBM is the raid lead really.
Once they explain the fight you just listen for callouts or pay attention to the giant black circle of bad or the firewall of bad or the fire of bad or ice of bad or

Yes, we can single target alot of things in the game, thats not the same as having a giant hands free radar, thats better then what hunters get as a class skill… trying to compare … yea i dont think you even belave that !

Beyond you having to manually click the button, it’s literally the same thing. You know you can put multiple /targets into one macro, right?

i do, but no matter we are limited by one click one action… you know as well as me, that having a automatic hands free radar, is a huge huge advantage then having to activly do something… hunters as a class ability get targets to show up as a hands free ability, and we shouldent get something that is essentially better…

Thats like me as druid asking to get polymorph or other class abilities…

google “(zone I’m going to next) rares wow classic”
grab list
create macro:
/target rare1
/target rare2
/target rare3
/target rare4
/target rare5

place macro on 1 key
spam 1 while traveling through zone

congratulations you have manually created the exact function of rarescanner without having to download an addon

Of all the hills you could die on in this game, this is definitely one of them

And you still have to keep clicking… one tap, one action… thats oki…

Having hands free radar is mainly a hunter ability… if you want that play a class that can do that… other wise we should be limited to as you say, one click targetting…

And your point is? It’s literally brainless effort

Blizzard, please remove the specific API call because an elf is sad. :expressionless: :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:

Then why have a class ability thats worse then what we can do with api access ?.. why spend the gold on it ?

If you think hunter tracking’s only purpose is locating rares then you need to seriously consider your ability at this game

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your doing what they do and only better, you can more or less warn people that people are sneaking close to you… or that there is high level mobs in close proximity… not only can you do what hunters do, you also can input a warning sound that alerts you, or add directional alerts…

so again, why have class abilities that worse then what everyone can have for free ?

You know what also does that better than hunter tracking?

Using your own eyes. I get the feeling you die a lot to the fel reaver in TBC though

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lol, im a tree in TBC, we are more or less unkillable… so no but nice try…

And yes, everyone can use their eyes… but we as players are limited by a certain awareness, i mean if you wanted to use your eyes as you say, why do you argue for this addon, it is more or less a hands free aid for your eyes… that you can fine tune, in so many more ways, then what any class abilities can…

Now we can debate this back and forth and we wont agree, so lets agree to disagree… i think we should be limited to the tool set of our classes, and if you want INGAME tracking abilities, there is classes that do that…