THE QUEST FOR LIGHT'S GOLD - A server event 27NOV22

Hello! This Sunday there is an event that is being hosted by Synergy.

A level 1 horde run from lumber mill in EF - to the top of the altar in the Stormwind Chapel.

I can’t post links but I do have a sign up sheet - feel free to message me here or on discord (better place) Khileen#0641 and I can add your name to the sign-ups, answer questions, or give you the link to the Word document and Excell sheet for signups.

The word document will be a copy paste here.


When: 27 November 2022 9:30pm forming at lumber-mill. 10pm sharp - assault begins.

Where: Stormwind – and EF lumber mill. Voice chat will be inside of the Ysera-Durotan community server. But ultimately it’s not required – more of a formality. That being said – it’ll be more wild the more people we have in it! (If you aren’t in there - I can send a discord invite)

What: A naked level 1 horde run through the city of Stormwind starting at the lumber mill respawn point. (No mounts. Not even the chauffeur one)

Goal: Be the first to stand (or die) atop the cathedral altar inside of the church in SW. (You must be on top of the altar to count. Touching the base of it does not count. You are a sacrifice to the light for gold.)

Why: Because the server has been server eventless for too damn long!

Prize: 1st place 50k gold. 2nd 25k. 3rd 10k. (Khileen[also known as me] is funding this. [but I am open to more donations for bigger prizes. But otherwise these are the prizes.]

What are the roles of each faction?
Horde are to run as far as they can through the city to make it atop of the chapel altar. When you (inevitably) die, you’ll have to run back to respawn. Be strategic, but know any moment you take waiting can be the moment someone else doesn’t. A terrible game of luck and strategy. You must be on top of the altar to win.

Alliance is to prevent the horde from reaching the altar. There are no winners for the Alliance – only bloodshed and prevention.

Why are you doing this now? Because DRAGONFLIGHT BABY!

Hope to see ya there!

Just found this event. How did it turn out? Please let me know.

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Was fantastic! We’re holding another event on the 17th which will be more like “duo” partners. Teams consist of a level 1 and a level 70 - the 70 cannot fly their partner anywhere - but can protect them for as long as they can. Effectively the same event but with a bodyguard for your partner! The team can split the gold however they choose.

I haven’t put out an official post for it yet - but expect one in the next few days!

That sounds like fun! Is there somewhere I can bookmark or follow for more details?

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These events sound really fun! I will try to make the next one! Thanks for forum posts! Have you posted in the Ysera-durotan discord as well?

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Yes - I post inside the server-events with it :slight_smile:

Even though I can try to hyperlink - I’m unable to post links for whatever reason so I can reach out and send it to anyone looking for sign ups or rule sheet. Otherwise - the ysera durotan community discord is the best place to find server events that Synergy hosts.
(Just kidding I can’t send messages on here? Honestly your best bet is to message myself or join the community for signups :smiley: )

Hi! I’ve been trying to find some people to play with on Ysera and would love to join the Discord/community. Every link that I found doesn’t work anymore. I’ve love to play with people, kind of lonely being a solo dragon.

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Hiya! Message me on discord at Khileen#0641 and I can add you to the discord community. I’m actually going to be canceling the lights gold royale event for now since most people are focusing on the raid. I’ll do more events once the holiday seasons are over. :slight_smile: