Hey y’all. I am just coming back to my Rogue after about 14 years of playing healer. I’ve been having success in Blitz based off past knowledge and muscle memory.
That said, I am curious what the proper stunlock burst combo is for rogues these days.
After checking a few guides on youtube there doesn’t seem to be a firm consensus.
The last video I watched was saying cheapshot–> burst (dance, blades, modifiers)—> secret tech —> shadowstrike → CS → Evis → cs → evis
But that doesn’t even proc the free crit evis from the Deathstalker build because the shadowstrike is coming AFTER the secret tech.
Anyway, what is your go to rotation and why?
There are 4-5 different opener depend on your situation and your enemy class. Also is it 1v1 or in a BG? You probably want the most simple one Sap> Blade with blood fury since you are horde>cheap>Dance Symbol Badge> Evis>Ss>Secrect tech> cheap then press symbol> Evis>Cheap Evis. This one should enough to kill all leather class like Rogue Dh Ww Evoker maybe Hunter too next patch when they remove fortitude of the bear. Thats for 1v1 when you dont want gap. In Bg you can do SStrike first then cheap so you can finish 3 stack deathstalker and hit the big Evis at last. In BG, when you take base, dont sap, Blade> Ss> shadowstep cheap> Dance symbol badge >Evis> SS> Secrect tech> cheap and press symbol (you can also Shadowyduel here> Evis > cheap evis. Thats your simple one but not the max dmg. You dont have to shadow Blade first if you have premeditation talent but I make it simple for you.
This helped a ton, thank you!
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