I think most Sp would agree that they would prefer to play voidweaver. At least from a PVP prespective the issue is Archon is great for single target/burst, with halo doing tons of pad, but voidweaver is for AOE, when it really should be for sustain.
Voidweaver should make our damage be rot gameplay style, rather then just avoid our ball of damage gameplay.
And fundamentally Shadow Priest current design is not fun. mindflay should be Shadow-Frost, and if we are going to have to hardcast so much, we need something more.
The stand their and take it gameplay design feels like crap, and its not fun when it goes well even. The only time it is kinda enjoyable is if you are getting to parse, because the rotation is ablosutely bonked by just training us down.
This is exactly why I suggested the changes I did. It shouldn’t be just a different flavor of archon which is the current design and implied by the recent buff to void blast.
Voidweaver needs buffed dot damage, always active void blasts and always active voidheart. In its current form it is just archon with a tighter window on the burst.
Or Voidweaver could have instant cast VT, with the ball being a replacement for void torrent, where the ball consumes VT and does damage.
Really why doesn’t the ball just replace torrent at the least? I feel like that change could give more design space for it to be fully different.
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Having Vampiric Touch always be instant cast could lead to balance issues since it would activate so much of the rest of Shadows gameplay.
Perhaps while Entropic Rift is active, your Vampiric Touch becomes instant cast.
Then also make it so any target caught in your Entropic Rift makes all periodic damage taken enhanced in a way of either all periodic damage done is increased and/or it ticks faster etc.
Only Mages get that kind of class fantasy. Frostfire is arguably one of the best specs, but I agree with you 100%.