The problem i have with the increase in difficulty. feels like what i did last season really didnt matter

I cant do a 2.
i did 15’s.
my gear is heroic quality.
its replaced by mythic 0.s
i enjoy the increase in challenge, stuff hurting kinda feels good but at the same time its painful to see what i earned being made so useless.


I’m mixed on that.

Obviously new season and new gear has to come with the content being harder, otherwise it’d just get steamrolled immediately. They did it a bit more than usual this time around but the concept hasn’t changed in that regard.

But it does help for there to be a baseline against which you can actually see that you’re stronger than you were last patch. Right now, that’s basically just world content, but world content can largely be skipped by people pushing heavy endgame progression, so it doesn’t really fill that role very well.

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I mean i havent tried any keys but isent m+ a group effort ?

Just to check if we’re all on the same page …

If you are talking about the character you are posting on, your gear is season 3 heroic quality.

As I understand it, going into a 2 in 482 gear this season is the equivalent of attempting a 12 last season in 443 gear?

(I’m not a mythic+ person myself but does that fit the experience/expectations of people more familiar with the content?)

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From what iv heard 2s are more like 15-16 last season not 12s

If that’s true then the +6s I’ve done would be like +22s and 23s right?

They’re not. I’ve never been able to do anything above a +20.

It’s is definitely a skill and gear issue for most players. If you’re struggling in +2s, do M0s and LFR and increase your ilvl and it will get easier.

I don’t mean this to be insulting, (I can’t do +10s either) but people are doing +10s in gear similar to yours. Your gear isn’t useless.