The twice monthly publication The Privateer is looking for writers that are geared towards adventure, privateering, mercenary, and trade style stories for Azeroth or Outlands. We are a factionless publication, meaning we do not side with Horde or Alliance but are heavily biased towards . (Sorry, we do not cover things in Shadowlands or AU Draenor)
- Does your guild have a great campaign or living story they would like to share?
- Does your character go on awesome personal adventures they would like to share?
- Found the next hot trade commodity or have a new get rich quick scheme?
- Do you want to just be creative with writing prompts?
Then please reach out to any of the Editors on our Discord.
The Privateer is an independent enterprise that is not aligned or a part of any other server community project but is a subsidiary of guild for RP purposes.
Please see our previous releases here to get an idea of what the paper is about.