The Premade Code

I have appointed myself as legislator for the premade code of conduct.

Anyone against?


Perfect, I will then propose laws to abide by.

1- Thou shall not bring forth an exuberrant amout of Lazer Roosters.

2- Your queues you shall taketh

3- What happens in the battlfield, stays in the battlefield

4- Thou Shall Role Play Drama


Too much of that juicy troll wine you been had since sunrise.


I had a questionable last batch of Troll Mojo. Woke up with the spirits whispers again.

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What about ERPing during Battlegrounds?


Allowed and encouraged. Galv and Balinda had a thing for each other.

ERPing with opposite leaders.

See rule #3

Worth a try

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oh yeah all the little que synchers aflag posts en masse if it reflects negatively against them.

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your mog is dangerously similar to dirtymongrel’s

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That’s cray cray