The Power of Elune Quest Bugged

Same. Can not complete the quest.

I was able to engage her. I saw the cutscene and everything, but now it says “speak with Ysera” I go to talk to her and the complete button is greyed out. Great game huh?

Lack of respect! If it’s to do something that makes it work! Now handing things over to the players in half is horrible! This company is every tip below! :rage:

Tyrande never spawned at all during the quest, I got to the subdue tyrande part and was stuck. Tried reloading, abandoned the quest etc. Nothing worked

So this worked for us:
party leader flies out of range, group of 5 in a party (not raid)
someone pulls/taunts out of “blue area” where she spawns
burn her down, no interrupts
cut scene success

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I got the cutscene, but now when it says to speak to ysera i cannot complete that part wtf.

she was back in town? idk, didnt have any further trouble

I managed to do the quest as follows: Despawned my pet (apparently Tyrande doesn’t like pet classes), flew straight up and then down, landed in front of her, standing at the edge of the circle and burst her down.


Ah, that is so dumb. She’s standing to the side of Tyrande right after the cutscene, but not THAT Ysera, the one in the heart. So annoying.

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A group and I just did it. I think the trick is to stay out of the quest area. That small area of the map, you can attack her from range and do it that way.

This is so frustrating. Not working for me either.

Thanks! This worked for me!

I disabled all addons tried it 4 times now nothing happens it doesnt spawn nothing happens aid me and poof nothing.

Same. Had to leave the Grove to even get her to spawn and before I even hit her 6 times she disappeared and this phase of the quest reset.

Grouping up fixes this

I was able to do it by staying at max range and pulling her away from the quest area. She never even appeared for me initially and only appeared after flying away and back again.

I had to abandon Power of Elune quest, log out, log back in, then re-accept help with the ritual, and that seemed to help me out.