same issue here, fully cleared available LFR and only have 27/50
On my shaman who is my main, I have killed all bosses available on LFR (7), full cleared normal (9) and have killed (8) bosses on HEROIC and I am sitting at only 28/30. My evoker alt who has killed 5 bosses in LFR has 30/50. Please tell me we will get mailed the remainder missing because 24 bosses killed and only 8 dropped for my main is absolute BS, especially considering I am one of the only ones who has not gotten the full 30 in my guild/raid group.
On my DH main, I got my missing ephemera in the mail and had 20 ephemera before clearing Amirdrassil at all this week, then ran the first wing of LFR, a full normal clear, and 4 bosses on heroic and only got 3 more ephemera for the whole week, putting me at 23 total.
The hotfix didn’t work.
I am in same boat. I received some in the mail to put me at 20/50. I then ran full normal clear, 4 heroic bosses and was at 27/50. I ran every LFR wing even though I needed nothing from it, and am stuck at 27/50. Guildies I spoke to were at 30/50. I really hope I get remaining 3 in the mail…fingers crossed.
Me too! I hope so as well, but have low hope
I full cleared everything and killed 2 mythic bosses and stuck at 28
Same here just 28
Just did all of LFR available 0 Ephemera again this week…put in a ticket and Blizzs response
Hello Adventurer!
With our ticket queues being extremely busy, and in the interest of saving you some time, we are sending you this automated reply with some resources that should help resolve the issue. If the issue persists, please get back to us.
So much helpful so much Wow…
The reply they gave me was “we’re aware of the issue, don’t know when it’ll be fixed, and can’t do anything in the meantime”.
I have had a ticket opened and I got the response that says
“After conducting an investigation in your case, I was able to confirm that your character, Moonbounds, did receive the 30 Echoed Ephemera. So, it should be working as intended. However, if it still shows missing Echoed Ephemera, usually those issues are resolved by resetting your UI though, so you can go through those steps to reset your UI and disable your add-ons, make sure to also have any add-on managers removed as well.”
I refuse to reset my UI when all of my other characters have had no issues but I am not the only one this has happened to in my guild. 3 other people in my guild are facing the same problem with showing either 27/50 or 28/50. It makes no sense that it would be a UI issue with 1 toon and not any of my others when they all have the same UI settings. And the fact that this is happening to many other people, shows that its definitely a bug. I have disabled adddons and cleared my cache folders and everything I could think of, even ran a repair check on bnet and nothing has fixed it. I refuse to reset my UI, have all of my hard work ruined, just for it to not work and then be like “thanks for wasting my time with your BS response”.
Seems like it’s still bugged. Earlier this week, I got mailed my missing Echoed Ephemera and got to 20/50. When I fully cleared Amirdrassil this week, I finished at 27/50. Lot of people in my guild has 30/50 so I don’t know why I’m missing 3.
Got another response from a GM addressing this issue and their response was “there are currently no known bugs in regards to echoed ephemera” and then told me to submit a bug report if I think there is lol.
can confirm as its happened to me, Blizzards gone radio silence on the issue so don’t expect a fix. Ion and John’s X is the best place.
So, no mail this week to fix the issue like last week, so I guess they stopped caring. I also got a response that there was no way to return the lost currency. So they can mail out missing ones to the entirety of the WOW population, but then magically can’t. Cool.
Reset day and no compensation for the missing Ephemera starting to think there just trying to ignore the situation…
Blizzard refuses to even acknowledge there is a bug. I got a ticket response saying there is no known bug currently, that the drops are working “as intended” and if we think there is a bug, fill out a bug report and if enough people do it, they would look into it lol. Its obvious they don’t read the forums. Sort of debating dropping the quest and restarting because of the catch up, but at the same time, I am worried that because I ran full clear last week and got some of the echoed, that it will try and say that I am caught up after getting the weekly 10.
If you follow the instructions, it’s completely reversible. If it doesn’t help, you can undo it.
I had someone walk me through it and converted my UI back to normal after. Resetting UI does not fix the issue.
Would like to update and say 2 more guildies this week came up short after doing 2 full clears tonight, now making 6 people in my guild who are not at 40. Blizzard please, its a BUG.
Update: I have now cleared every boss this week and am on 35/50 (should be 40/50). If I have to wait a whole week or 2 longer to get the helm enchant, I will not be very happy.