The Post-Fourth War World

The they might as well keep Silverpine and Hillsbrad, and we just rebuild Greymane’s and Thoradin’s walls to isolate them. Because I can’t fathom the surviving humans and Worgen of the north staying friendly neighbors with them.

And since the Alliance was able to assault Tirisfal by sea before they even had the Kul Tiran fleet, keeping Tirisfal to guard the Southern Borders doesn’t feel like it’d do much.

I don’t see anything ambiguous in developing and employing chemical weapons with the intent of wiping out every last living being on the world, or performing cruel scientific experiments on the living, or the other dozens of heinous crimes the Forsaken have been getting away with since… always.

I don’t even know why they made calia undead she would have been perfectly fine as a representative of human refuges from lordaeron now spending the rest of their live in stormwind having made it their new home.

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Because they were going for paradoxical but found oxymoronic instead.

Then they later added a dash of contradictory, when the other human princess of monstrous humans learned she can lead them just fine without being a monster herself.


I agree with all of your post, except this still. I’d rather the marsh just get swallowed by the sea like the Isle of Dread did.

The last thing the Horde needs is to have the place where Saurfang finally acknowledged the Path of Glory being paved over and lived on top of.

I do not care about Theramore. Baine’s letter gave Jaina an opportunity to evacuate her citizens by the time the Horde forces moved in. It was a warning, and his intent was clear … “we’re coming, get the hell out”. On top of this, Theramore was actively supporting the Alliance War Effort on Kalimdor by the time of its destruction. It was an active combatant state in a World War.

If Taraujo was “a legitimate military target” due to its training of Hunters and Warriors for the Horde military, then Theramore … which was actively supplying the Alliance with supplies and forces … was absolutely “a legitimate military target”. The fact that Blizzard kept hammering home how awful the destruction of Theramore was, but did everything they friggen could to dilute the tragedy at Taraujo … shows just how far they’ll bend over backwards to keep the Alliance image as pristine and flawless as possible. And, I hate bringing up Taraujo unless I have to.

Theramore is not the tragedy that Teldrassil was by a large margin. Jaina is now fully reintegrated back with Kul Tiras, and is not going back. Claiming that the entirety of Dustwallow Marsh should go unused by a group of people that could really use it, purely out of self-rightous spite … is absurd. The Horde already gets a large burning symbol of our villainy in that giant tree, we don’t need an incredibly forced second symbol of that … no matter how sad it made Jaina.


I thought the large symbol of your villainy was Azshara



A) He can’t deliver on it. Not without almost certainly destroying the Alliance as well.

B) A threat issued in a moment of extreme emotion does not bind your descendants to an extreme foreign policy goal for all time.


That’s just a large symbol of the goblins’ lack of environmental regulations.

…okay. Point taken.


A war Garrosh started.

No one has any need of a haunted swamp. The only other thing of note there besides the ghosts are the remnants of Onyxia’s black dragons.

But I just don’t like Dustwallow Marsh in general.

And I don’t care that you don’t care about Theramore. That’s the same logic people try to pass for when going “When are you going to get over Teldrassil?”

I don’t think Lordaeron itself had anything to do with it. He withdrew the kingdom abruptly, and he feels guilty over doing so instead of standing by Terenas for the eventual fight against the Scourge. Sylvanas was desecrating that throne because, in Genn’s mind, it belonged to Terenas.

I feel like people tend to forget just how damn old Genn is.


That pretty much IS the logical outcome of the positon of all those posters who are listing as one of Anduin’s major sins, not delivering on Varian’s threat.

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It’s less about not delivering and more about not even trying

And Varian’s threat wasn’t madness. The Horde has consistently been a threat to the people of the Alliance now, especially in BfA. There should be no way to come back to peace from Teldrassil and the War of the Thorns.

Don’t worry… there won’t be. The game is still called WARCraft after al

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With the dark irons in the alliance does that leave Blackrock mountain and the surrounding areas as controlled by the alliance?

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We have Shadowforge City at least.

Wonder what happened to Blackrock spire is the Dragonmaw clan part of the horde again after some of them joined the iron horde. Might still be some Blackrock orcs in the region.

The Dragonmaw became allies of the current Horde in the Twilight HIglands. during Cataclysm.

And then they generally betrayed us and sided with Garrosh in MoP; and the Iron Horde in WoD.

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Anti-Cata’s first Raid will be about the Dark Iron Dwarves reclaiming Blackrock Mountain from Ragnaros’ forces/cult and kicking out the Dragonmaw once and for all, for the Alliance. Lotsa Dwarf and fire-themed rewards

Hordeside will just be sent there with little explanation and guided by throws dice Thrall. Something about balance and honor.