I do not care about Theramore. Baine’s letter gave Jaina an opportunity to evacuate her citizens by the time the Horde forces moved in. It was a warning, and his intent was clear … “we’re coming, get the hell out”. On top of this, Theramore was actively supporting the Alliance War Effort on Kalimdor by the time of its destruction. It was an active combatant state in a World War.
If Taraujo was “a legitimate military target” due to its training of Hunters and Warriors for the Horde military, then Theramore … which was actively supplying the Alliance with supplies and forces … was absolutely “a legitimate military target”. The fact that Blizzard kept hammering home how awful the destruction of Theramore was, but did everything they friggen could to dilute the tragedy at Taraujo … shows just how far they’ll bend over backwards to keep the Alliance image as pristine and flawless as possible. And, I hate bringing up Taraujo unless I have to.
Theramore is not the tragedy that Teldrassil was by a large margin. Jaina is now fully reintegrated back with Kul Tiras, and is not going back. Claiming that the entirety of Dustwallow Marsh should go unused by a group of people that could really use it, purely out of self-rightous spite … is absurd. The Horde already gets a large burning symbol of our villainy in that giant tree, we don’t need an incredibly forced second symbol of that … no matter how sad it made Jaina.