The Post-Fourth War World

Of course he did. “Horde Bias” am I right? The Alliance is the Sole Superpower … which is why Blizzard did nothing to rebuild the Horde in preparation for us to be the antagonists in another Faction Conflict. What a joke … Pick a fight with the faction you have no chance in hell against to push the personal narrative of a single character that has never represented your faction well.

Well umm in good war and elegy the factions are equal again, cause of the legion

There have been too many wars so the idea that any faction can fight another is ridiculous.

Not … really? The Horde is portrayed as sufficient enough to make a sneak attack against a single Alliance race … only when the majority of that race’s forces are deterred with a feint; and the rest of the Alliance cant reinforce them fast enough due to the loss of their fleet. Hell, A Good War actually portrays it as if had both Malf and Tyrande been on the field in the WoT … the Horde could not have possibly won that battle. AND … even with all these advantages for the Horde, the NEs police force managed to hold their own against 8 to 1 odds extremely well.

If Blizz wasn’t handicapping the Alliance both ideologically and literally in about a half-a-dozen ways; the Horde would have no chance in hell. But … Blizzard didn’t care about that … they just cared about the Red Faction being the plot device they needed to push Sylvie’s story and set up Shadowlands. God I love being portrayed as weak, ineffectual villains.


Yes, the Alliance put in a highway towards the Barrens which was the justification for the bombing of Theramore as it had become the acess route for supplies to the Alliance forces in the Barrens.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

In terms of zone distribution, because the Worgen should get their capital back … then there should be some territory shifts to compensate. On EK Arathi; Hillsbrad; Silverpine; Tol Barad; and Gilneas all go to the Alliance. Tirisfal remains with the Forsaken, and they fully move into the Plaguelands and that still unseen “Northern Lordaeron” zone. Alterac remains as it currently is.

On Kalimdor, the NEs fully consume and heal Hyjal; Winterspring; Felwood; Darkshore; and Ashenvale in their entirety. The Horde picks up Dustwallow (screw Theramore); Thousand Needles; Tanaris; and Ungoro (if we truly are seeing Farakki Horde). Stonetalon, Desolace, and Feralas remain as they are; largely neutral with mostly NE and Tauren presences.

I could care less about “control” of Northrend if the Kalimdor Horde is allowed to move South; but since Blizz finally gave an opportunity for the Forsaken to grow and preserve their people … in a non antagonistic way. They should be allowed to exploit the now nearly endless army of Lich-King Less Scourge, and get back to their roots of freeing the minds of those that can still be freed.


Why would the alliance get hullsbrad and silverpine lol what

You sum up my hatred of BfA so succinctly.


Because if the Alliance is really winning Arathi, and the Worgen are finally able to reclaim Gilneas … then they are plugging two new Alliance capital class cities into Northern EK. There is no way in hell that with their current condition the Forsaken could hope to hold their current territories; unless the worst possible thing that could possibly happen to their racial fantasy … is accepted. Calia.

Also, many humans … including one Sky Admiral Rogers … is still super bitter about Southshore. And, Dalaran could actually land and rebuild itself if it wanted; with the reclamation of Dalaran crater.

The alliance doesnt want lorderan tho

Not according to the forums.

Yes it does. It always has. One of the longest last themes of Humanity is the vain belief that they could eventually resettle the kingdom of Lordaeron. There were friggen Human Settlers and a full blown Garrison rebuilding in Western Plaguelands during Cata; until Sylvie and the Forsaken pushed them the hell out. Hell, there are plenty of small groups of refugees and settlers the Forsaken slaughter and raise in Silverpine too.

Yes, Humanity still wants Lordaeron back. The Argents want Lordaeron back. The Scarlet’s wanted Lordaeron back. Garithos wanted Lordaeron back! Genn’s palpable rage at Sylvie sitting on the Throne of Lordaeron could not be more representative of Humanities feelings on Lordaeron.

thats the forums tho, if we are talking about them I think each side wants everything the other side has, in the story the alliance doesnt want lorderan, with human character saying its pointless and that the dream is dead

Nope the alliance doesnt want it, kek what people on the forums what has nothing to do with the story

You know … you do this from time to time where I give you tangible examples of why your wrong … and then you default to a strawman.

Genn’s outburst at the Battle for Lordaeron alone is symbolic of humanities feelings about Lordaeron’s current status. Calia Menethil reappearing is the heir to Lordaeron; and I am still not convinced that Taelia wont end up being her lost daughter, with how fast and loose Blizz is being with timetables and lore. Cata had actual humans attempting to move in an resettle the breadbasket of Lordaeron. The Argents have spent years attempting to purify and reclaim the lands of Lordaeron. The Scarlett’s and Garithos’ entire concepts beyond being manipulated by demons … was reclaiming Lordaeron! The “Alliance” may not want Lordaeron, but the “Humans of the Alliance” sure as hell do.

well if you read the books, or play alliance, the alliance doesnt actually want it, we only ever go for lorderan once the horde invades us

Its not that they don’t want it, its that the Forsaken and their “Alliance of Convenience” with the Horde are sufficient enough deterrents to prevent the Alliance from reclaiming those territories. Up until now the Alliance could not invade the Forsaken territories without instigating a World War, as the rest of the Horde came in to back up their Ally.

Do I think the Alliance could have won that fight? Sure. Do I think the costs of winning would have been something to make one take a second-thought on committing to such a war? Absolutely!

if they wanted it, why havent the alliance started a war for it, they havent, and even varian didnt care till he saw what sylvanas was doing

IIRC Crowley’s lands are north of the Greymane wall, so if Gilneas really is reclaimed then Silverpine would likely be next. And the survivors of Southshore drank the furry cool-aid, while Hillsbrad would be stuck between two Alliance-controlled lands, with the only exit being going up Alterac…

Then again, who cares about logistics when the Horde can reliably fill Arathi with troops despite no land or sea access?


They’ve spent the better part of a decade talking about retaking Lordaeron.