Anyway, back to the topic at hand.
In terms of zone distribution, because the Worgen should get their capital back … then there should be some territory shifts to compensate. On EK Arathi; Hillsbrad; Silverpine; Tol Barad; and Gilneas all go to the Alliance. Tirisfal remains with the Forsaken, and they fully move into the Plaguelands and that still unseen “Northern Lordaeron” zone. Alterac remains as it currently is.
On Kalimdor, the NEs fully consume and heal Hyjal; Winterspring; Felwood; Darkshore; and Ashenvale in their entirety. The Horde picks up Dustwallow (screw Theramore); Thousand Needles; Tanaris; and Ungoro (if we truly are seeing Farakki Horde). Stonetalon, Desolace, and Feralas remain as they are; largely neutral with mostly NE and Tauren presences.
I could care less about “control” of Northrend if the Kalimdor Horde is allowed to move South; but since Blizz finally gave an opportunity for the Forsaken to grow and preserve their people … in a non antagonistic way. They should be allowed to exploit the now nearly endless army of Lich-King Less Scourge, and get back to their roots of freeing the minds of those that can still be freed.