Are we going to see any buffs to this spec?
Lets start off with the obvious question are they going to actually add unbound freedom to holy paladin? its been in the patch notes yet not on the ptr at all.
what are the goals and vision for holy paladins from blizzard because to be honest it doesnt make any sense at all. The spec has been nerfed repeatedly since the season2 rework in dragonflight with the introduction of aug evokers. Now we feel a liability in raid and dont get me started on mythic +.
I had high hopes for season 2 but with only days left before the patch im very concerned. the nerfs to Lightsmith and Blessed Assurance killed our current end game build forcing us to play at a much weaker (but i find more enjoyable) herald build. to much of our healing power was shifted into holy light which you hardly cast due to long cast time and huge mana cost.
Just wish the paladin dev would actually talk and explain somethings im just a random guy in a low end CE guild a lot more talented people have made videos and made posts about how poorly we are currently.
We need the treatment of the mistweaver dev. that person is doing the lord’s work and we’re stuck out here with some absolute abomination of a playstyle. The caster Holy Paladin should be relegated to builds that focus on Infusion of Light and delve deep into Tyr’s Deliverance and follow-ups. Infusion of Light for a melee paladin is a poorly implemented version of Shaman’s Tidal Waves or Priest’s Surge of Light imo.
Give us a pseudo-disc priest Sin’s of the Many/Aug Close as Clutchmates AND remove Beacon of Virtue and tune Beacon of Faith accordingly. Having a worse version of PW:Radiance is not anyone’s idea of fun. And let’s not forget that hpal and rsham are the only healing specs in 5 man content that actually just run OOM. Weird that I can end keys as disc and never have dropped below 80% and my mistweaver finishes keys at a HUGE mana surplus with mana tea?
We’ve heard time and time again how the devs have all these amazing “tuning knobs” and almost all we see is aura changes mid season-- and honestly, nothing of note in 11.1 and that is SAD.
I really doubt they tested Holy Paladin in high keys. The healing is really bad. At the very least, we need them to revert Beacon of Virtue back to 20%. These buffs to Holy Shock and Word of Glory are useless if they nerfed Beacon of Virtue to 15%.
Well get ready because I can see Blizzard nerfing those abilities and then never reverting the Beacon Buffs. They have done it several times
I’m so sad with how long hpal has been pushed aside for. I’ve finally stopped being stubborn and I’m playing a different healer. It really feels like they don’t listen to ANY suggestions.
Nope they don’t like you. Welcome to the back of the bus.
The only slight hope is some blanket buffs after the sweaties are done with with their race to world first.
Everyone must hold their breath until the esports have concluded.
Basically. It seems the cadence is we get a round of balance changes the week Mythic raid opens, the week after race to world first is over, and then whenever the .5 and .7 patches hit. Maybe an emergency nerf if something is bugged/OP, but that’s about it.
Good to see that I am not the only one, Yesterday I signed my papers for the monastery. trying to find some Harmony in this clouded path.
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