The Point Missed

Everyone well not everyone, wants Premade to have their own BG’s and EBG’s and really rated al ready exists. So the real problem is, people complain about Premade because they can’t play well.

I say it again, Premade is really in the game, it is really an option in Player vs Player, and Blizzard themselves have talked about premade since day one in June of 2005 when AV and WSG started.

The Premade was running then, Void of a Vanguard comes to mind, On Kargath they could run WSG so well they could drop the flag and the next player pick it up so well they would make a line and do this all the away down to their flag and score.

Guilds just like them, started their own premade just to play against them to compete.

Today, we have little girls playing, they need their own box of tissues because all they do is cry about premade beat us up. Boo Hoo…

I don’t ever see the premade going away and I see blizzard trying to get you babies into a premade so you can stop crying about something that has always been here and we have always used.

I have been here since I was 38 and will 60 in April, I have seen it all first hand, I played it first hand, not only have I lead Premade groups I have had and been in a pvp guild that just runs pvp.

Maybe, I am to old for this game, maybe being an Gen X do it yourself get it done and figure it all out, isn’t who is play this game anymore. Can you imagine being in a guild today with all 55 - 65 year olds all wanted to premade and ride the other teams butt all over the map.

The glorious days they were, I’d give a few nods for a few games with some Gen X that wants to kick butt in a premade any day! Don’t worry about those little kids, and little, you 35 yr old’s are little kids to me!

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Nah people just wanna press q and get a game that isn’t a onesided stomp due to people who struggle in actual competitive modes so they sit around for an hour putting together a premade because it’s the only way they can win


Tbh, it feels like punching down to say anything about the OP and his take… So I’m going agree to disagree with this take.


This post is bait right? RIGHT?


Premade is really in the game, it is really an option in Player vs Player

No, it’s really not. There is no in-game system to queue as a group in EBGs, nor is there a system to be placed with a premade. This entire post is just boomer nonsense

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Welp we can go ahead and disregard this entire post.


I love that this post was made.

We need more attention on the premade queue sync issue, and saying stuff like this just helps the cause.

Let’s hope Blizzard finally devotes the time to fixing this issue for the pvp community. It certainly seems to be getting enough attention.


True story. Can confirm.

to be banned.

There isn’t a single good player that does premades.



your team : random WoW players with avg gear. maybe 1 or 3 with good gear.

their team : group of people who pvp together often, have a game plan, probably on discord with voice comms, and 75% of them have good gear

Ain’t no way a bunch of high estrogen men trying to punch down to a bunch of casual dads just looking to have fun in an unranked battleground. I swear these queue syncers BMI is higher than their IQ.