The Players Blizzard Truly Failed With the Boost

Actually no, since the vast majority of us will be walking into Outlands at launch with our geared 60’s not releveling Outlands is the relevant content. Which is just how it was back in the day, boosts don’t change anything in that regard.

Sorry you don’t understand that.

You have to understand that their sense of self worth is tied up in this game

If Tim pays for to get within 2 levels of their main…theyll shatter

It’s evident in the fact that Blizzard has to even consider a catch-up mechanism in the form of boosts. Are you not aware of why these decisions are made?

Stats on this? Or proof? Ill take any of it tbh. Maybe draw something in crayon to give yourself more credibility here

You need proof as to why spending weeks playing a single character is abnormal obsessive behavior?

Well i talked to my dad at blizzard and he said everything you are saying is a lie. So im going to have to go with him on this one

(to anyone reading this days later its clearly a joke. Im trying to converse with someone who is a bit lost)

Are you really trying to make an argument that a level 60 won’t be using a level 58 boost? Yeah, really?! Amazing insight.

1-58 is relevant to anyone in that level range. The only way it’s not is if you boost past it. But in any event, enjoy playing your Draenei since according to you that’s the only ally race in TBC.

In fact 1-58 content is relevant even at max level. People do that stuff for rep, or certain quest rewards, or gasp fun.

Do you say embarrassing things like this in person? You definitely need less WoW in your life.

Maybe sometimes. But i dont make up things like

and try to pass them off as facts. That would be pathetic

I’m saying who cares?

The experience back in the day was an existing character that was 58 or higher could walk into Outlands, there was no requirement to relevel before entering the dark portal. Boosts don’t change that experience.

The fact that even back in the day blizzard spend up and streamlined the leveling process to speed people into Outlands shows they realized back then what the relevant content was. Boosts just cut out the BS.

I suppose that’s as close as to admitting you were wrong that you’re capable of.

Though I was enjoying how deep you kept digging that hole. You were probably close to coming out in China. Or maybe I should say Pandaria.

I mean, I know your type.

You don’t play with many irl friends if any so you just go heads-down immersion mode.

Disappear into your character for days, weeks, months at a time. Form stronger opinions about QoL mechanics than about the world itself because the world isn’t something you ever would think to explore and enjoy with your friends. You play this game like it’s a job and end up hating it. You’re now just stuck playing because you don’t really have an identity or a variety of hobbies outside of this.

Just stop playing. You’ll be happier for it.

Good to hear you admit you can’t argue that back in the day we walked into Outlands with our existing characters and that blizzard streamlined and spend up 1-58 leveling specifically to funnel people into TBC faster. Boosts are perfectly in line with both those things.

Of my 40 man raid id say 10 are my personal friends. Honestly a lot more of my friends play this game than i expected at this point…

It was a solid attempt but you once again fell flat on your face. Cant come up with any facts, cant make any points, cant even land your insults!

Just stay down while youre behind

So, even worse, your friends are just like you. That explains a lot.

Well people usually are surrounded by people like themselves. Best of luck to you and…god i dont even know what you were trying to do. Usually people i talk to have a coherent thought in their head. But you were lost the entire time

Either way, GL to you in w/e you do

Are you one of those people who never left their hometown? Maybe if you met friends that also didn’t think playing weeks worth of WoW was normal you’d be in a different place.

My parents live in Oklahoma. I live in Boise

Need anymore personal information or can this be over?

You do realize that for people with an actual full time job, family etc… WoW being their primary hobby might only mean playing a few hours a week?

Got that small town mindset I see you.