I am HOPING it is more than just those two to start; however, the realist in me is thinking this is where it “starts” and then they just keep expanding it more in every expansion.
Hope y’all are getting ready for a Garrison part 2.
More or less, I want it to be like SWTOR’s strongholds, but without the cash shop nonsense.
Here are a few idea off the top of my head:
- Houses belong to your warband, rather than individual characters. Each warband is allowed a certain number of houses. More slots can be acquired through various means. All characters in a warband have access to all houses belonging to that warband.
- If you are a guild leader, you can designate one of your houses as a guild hall.
- Many available biomes to build the house in, including based all the playable races’ starting zones, many of the more ‘iconic’ endgame zones.
- Housing theming based on all playable races. This may not be possible by day one, in that case start with the original Vanilla races, then expand until all races are included, hopefully by the end of Midnight. Also include theming based on the 4 Shadowlands covenants, as well as the Maw and Zereth Mortis.
- Free placement of props and decorations (Like in FFXIV or WildStar), not limited to pre-defined anchor points (Like in SWTOR).
- Everyone gets a free or very cheap apartment in Stormwind or Orgrimmar very early on in the game as a starter.
Someone didn’t see the interview. Ion very carefully stated they learned a lot of lessons from garrisons, and this housing will look nothing like it. But I expect the cynical and narrow minded to keep using this lame trolling comment for the next year.
peeps say that so no one gets overhyped. Saying its the best most awesome housing experience ever will most likely lead to disappointment.
I am sure it will be good but by how much?
I would like an infinite neighbourhood, so I can buy a plot and get to know my neighbours, rather than an instanced entrace we all share. Something that works a bit like FFXIV but constantly adding neighbourhoods so there are always plots available.
I would like my house to be warbound and to sometimes see my alts coming in and doing their own thing. Like, idk, you rock up and see your druid alt doing some gardening, your warrior lifting weights, blacksmiths working on the forge or whatever. Rogue probably just being lazy and lounging on the couch.
The number of styles available can grow over time. They could probably start with Orcs, Humans, Night Elves, Undead and then develop from that point.
I don’t mind if it is a massive gold sink, I would prefer that over a massive RMT shop. I know people can buy tokens so it’s kind of the same thing, but it feels better when it is gold rather than real money.
If we look at this… realistically… in all seriousness without hype or assumption, the absolute BARE minimum will be:
First -
The “House” will either be a house in a Stormwind instance stand alone, or they have reopened the old “barred” portal in Stormwind that would lead to a Neighborhood. Now, knowing how many thousands of players will have a house, that instanced “neighborhood” would have to be the size of the barrens to fit everyone.
There are no “unexplored” areas of Stormwind to justify something that large UNLESS they make up a new plot of land somewhere and say we are being teleported there. but then we are back to, "How far do we have to fly to get to “our house”? So logic would dictate, the neighborhood system is likely off the table, at least for now, meaning we will start with a single instanced home in the city.
Second -
Since the home will be instance and isolated at first to Stormwind / Orgrimmar (at minimum), it will likely feel like the old Champion’s Hall (which now has no door) and you can invite others over the way we did with Garrison’s. Whomever is the party leader will be the house we visit. It will likely be restricted to a party of 5, like dungeons, or possibly up to 10 visitors at a time, but will not be a huge number like a 40M raid level. At least, not yet. This is still their first attempt.
Third -
While the Alpha showed someone changing the size, style, and placement of their home, and the ability to place furnishings, and then smaller objects on those furnishings, we don’t really know what to expect. Keeping expectations in check, the initial decor will likely be mostly static, but there will be some color and design customization, especially for living and sleeping space, as well as achievement triggered decorations to display. We will know more closer to Midnight, but I do not see this being fully scaled and flashed out yet to the level that FF, ESO, or SWTOR are currently.
We know this is not a one and done, and they already intend to listen to all of our feedback for the next year to test and add as much as possible. But here’s the math that goes with it:
As we can see from the infographic between Autumn and Winter, there is a flag with a Home/House/Hearth symbol on it. We are getting the Midnight reveal at the end of summer 2025, probably mid/late August. But with that flag in Dec, this mean the Pre-patch for midnight could be here early/mid December and housing is released in that Pre-Patch which would mean at the stroke of Midnight on Dec 31, 2025 WoW: Midnight will officially launch.
Now, before some pedantic shreds this post, this is purely my opinion based on what we know about Blizz, what they have done in the past, what their tech is capable of, and their constant reminder about accelerated timelines for this trilogy release. Like it, hate it, trust it, or don’t. It is entirely up to the community to sort it out. But logic and common sense drove the context of this post, so folks can do with that as they will.
I don’t doubt there will be plenty of ways to get customizations. But I just want a very basic unit. No statues of my glorious achievements. Just a bed to sleep in.
I imagine this is what the basic starting kit will feel like. So you never have to worry about upgrades.
When it comes to player housing, there are only a couple of games that I’ve played to draw inspiration from (Lord of the Rings Online, and Return to Moria). I do feel as if Blizzard has to go ‘all in’ on player housing in order to make it as good as possible. They don’t really have a choice given what other games have done.
Here are some things that I would like to see:
Neighbourhoods (akin to LOTRO) where there are about 30 houses of varying size per phased neighbourhood. Small, medium and large houses. Alternatively if they don’t want to the route of different house sizes, allow us to expand our homes to include additional rooms. Neighbourhoods would have street names. Houses would have picketed signs written on it ‘Player’s house’. Neighbourhood events where everyone can pitch in to unlock some cool things for their neighbourhood (like a statue, or a temporary vendor, or some decorations, etc).
Weapon Racks: Allow us to place racks on the floor/wall to showcase some of those cool weapon transmogs we’ve acquired over the years.
Armor Stands: Same as above, but for armor. Something like this already exists in Legion.
Raid / Dungeon Boss drops that we can hang on our walls, showcase in our house.
Lots of customization, including walls, floors, music, race-specific interior and exterior look (start with the main races at first with the potential of expanding to more later so… Human, Night Elf, Draenei, Dwarf, Gnome and Worgen for Alliance, Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Blood Elf, Forsaken and Goblins for Horde). Music (like in Warlords). Outdoor yard customization as well.
I’d also like to be able to place things wherever I’d like to… however I realise this may not be possible, so just make sure there are many places where we can place items.
Make use of Archaeology again! Display some cool fossils or artifacts that you’ve found in the world.
Make woodworking a profession? Or have it be a secondary profession that everyone has access to for furniture as well as other things like Staves, Bows, Crossbows, etc.
Profession tables, and a cooking fire/stove where we can craft stuff in our homes.
That’s all I can think of for now. Really excited for player housing having played this game for so long. Should be fun.