The plague of alts

Generally no one cares about rated bgs beyond capping Vault.

Cant you cap the vault through arena to

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Probably easier that way.

It could be but it’d require adjusting/reworking the maps into…stuff like we see in a few of the brawls. Or just new maps entirely.

Yes, but as it’s a lot of honor for that third slot you’ll usually have people popping into an rbg for the win of the day bonus once or twice a week to round it off. Sometimes more because you’re in maintenance mode and aren’t actively pushing.

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We need less alts immediately i cant carry all the weight they bring

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No thanks I have enough belts and cloaks I don’t need 6 more.

A smart box design that replaces the slot with the lowest item level first would be good, hell if it gave a menu so you could choose from slot item and secondary stats even better!

Had a healer with 46k HP and someone in the group was berating him, telling him to “Go do dungeons” to get better gear. :roll_eyes:

Yeah man, go get gear with minimum resil and tons of mastery to do entry-level PvP.

Or just let the currency be transferred so you can purchase what you need from the Vendor just like they do all of the Torghast Dust, Anima and Stygia.

Transferrable Honor would be amazing, but I don’t think Blizz would be willing to do that. I’ve been sitting at maxed out Honor on this toon for a long time now with nothing to do with it.

Buy marks for consumables.


You can exchange 2000 honor for 5 marks of honor in oribos, then marks of for battleground consumables and/or ensembles from various locations (area 52, mugambala, tanaris, etc)

Yep! Got my ribs, my gliders, potions, and xmogs. All the necessary stuff. As far as the potions go, I have plenty but rarely find situations where I need them. Where I really need them is in rated content, but they aren’t allowed.

Buy more, sell for gold.

Guess you’re right. I can use my 133 marks of honor to buy potions, then sell the potions and make a whopping 4k.

Would be nice if Blizz could give us a better honor sink.

It would be, but this is Blizzard we are talking about. They absolutely LOVE doing the bare minimum.

Macro saltwater potion to a big cooldown, such as Trueshot. Keep buying and using them that way. That’s what I do.


At the very least open with them. Like, team lusts, you chug a saltwater, use trueshot/doubletap, covenant ability, and dome 2-3 people before they know what happened.

I’m a fan of doing this, but only when it’s a separate bind because sometimes I’ll want to use an offensive CD but not something else, like potion, but it’s nice to have a quick “all in one” available if needed.

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God that just seems cruel

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Saltwater is five minutes down, wings is two. I like macro’ing them together because it at least ensures you’ll be using the pots every other cooldown.