The Plague Event is Fine, but only if it's Opt-In

Well time to develop an adult attitude about it, because it is going to be zombie party time and we will all have a great laugh about it.

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I’ll opt out, thanks. I did this back in Wrath and hated it then. Tried it on the PTR and nothing’s changed.

Its not forced when its 100% avoidable, that is the point. outside the city your more than likely never going to be effected by the event for the most part. It will be business as normal. Only places this will mainly effect is the main cities and hubs where on some realms people love to mass up and we all know where those are. For the 2 weeks or so that the event last it is pretty easy just to stay out of them and just play the game around it. Unless there is some reward worth jumping into the fray. Such pre-patch events been going on now with invasions for some time and the area’s they effect have no on or off switch for those whom just simply don’t want to be bothered by them, either you deal with them or stay away while they are going on. This one is no different. Either you deal with it or stay away from the action.

But it is 100% avoidable and the game is still completely playable. So there is your answer. And I am sure that is how Blizzard looks at it as well. Though I don’t speak for them.

Sorry but you will play it and like it because it is the most fun you will ever have in WoW.

You don’t dictate my fun, and I’m not going to be your victim. If there’s no opt-out, then I log out for however long it takes.

Good to see they are keeping it up in the ptr.

Naxx? Naxxramas? Warmode didn’t exist back then.

BUT you know what did Exist the first time this event happened? PVE servers and PVP servers! Guess what it worked the same.

Such a coward.

I can fight zombies in EPL and keep my War Mode up. So why do I suddenly lose its protection now?

Go gank someone else.

Those Zombies don’t infect you. You are really are a Dense Human huh.

So it’s infection that forces the loss of PvP protections? Weird. I got diseases fighting Ghouls and an Alliance player just kinda stood there. Guess they couldn’t attack me for some reason?

Not a good look there, space goat.

So then why deny the ability to shard out and avoid PvP through War Mode?

You, I’m ignoring.

Okay then. It’s nice to see you’ve completely abandoned the argument.

O I don’t gank people. i hate that. This is about having fun with zombies.

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Okay, lets see your points then.

Alright, so you are talking about major cities being affected here. Fourth time you switched the definition, but i’l work with this.

Alright. Avoid the major cities, and you’re less likely/won’t be affected, got it.


Kinda weird to suggest people to go to what you think it is a safe place in the world, considering players aren’t really dumb and could possibly reach to those places, but okay.

Alright. Get it, got it, good.

We have fully established that the world is affected, not because of the ghouls, but the possibility that the ghouls will always come after you regardless where you go, even though if you break that is down to those players working with ghouls or intentionally trying to spread the infection to other players and might spot those safe spots people are going to, as well killing quest givers, which gives into the value of chaos and therefore it helps the danger value which in turn, the immersion value for this event. Alright. :+1:

Now what about the garrisons/instances?

Can ghoul players get you there? Can ghouls get you there?

It’s about griefing people, and I take no pleasure in that. Let me shard out.

Go get a garrison, it takes like 5 minutes. You should already have one if you didn’t skip literally all of WoD while leveling.