The Plague Event is Fine, but only if it's Opt-In

I wonder if people who play RPGs immediately run to the highest level mob they can encounter, and then cry about the developers encouraging bullying because the mob wiped the area with their corpse.

Actually yes I do. I got my first black eye from my bully @ 2 years old he did it for the next6 18 till I finally got strong enough to beat the snot out of him.

Problem is with bullying, its not about the physical pain, its not about the scars its about someone taking away your autonomy. Making you do things against your will. When you have been through this, You say screw it and no one will do this to me again.

A video game isn’t real pain, but developing a situation where other people can take away my autonomy is a problem for me. Its why I haven’t PvPd in a LONG time. Its why I never really did any PvP game.

If this is what Blizzard wants. Fine. Put my account on hold till this garbage is over.

Classic bully tactic. SO classic in fact something almost exactly like it as covered in A Christmas Story where the town bully beat up kids who simply walked down his street to get home.

Nah, we simply say let us play the game we pay to play, that’s mainly a PvE game unless you turn on warmode as we please. No one cares wha t a mob does to us. Having to deal with the kids who like to rip the wings off flies or burn ants with a magnifying glass fun is not fun for me.

I don’t have fun knowing someone else is enjoying ruining my game experience.

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Are you unable to queue up for dungeons/mythics because of this?

Is Blizzard forcing you to stay in Orgrimmar?

Are all of the quest zones and other capital hubs suddenly cut off from you just because Orgrimmar is a grief-filled zone?

Are you unable to raid because of the event?

Are you ineligible to fulfill dailies now?

Are you, in any way, unable to play this game just because Orgrimmar is somehow embroiled in a player-driven plague?

You can say it as many times as you want: Blizzard is not bullying you or forcing you into participating in this event. You can leave. Blizzard is not going to go your house and make you play the game, so to insinuate someone is making you do this “against your will” is so beyond reaching at this point, I don’t even know how I can reason with that kind of argument.

No one is stopping you, brother. I don’t know why you seem to think we are.

I don’t know what’s more insulting: Implicating that we’re all sociopaths who like torturing things smaller than us just because of a video game, or the fact that you think someone running around as a zombie in a video game is akin to bullying and other forms of abuse.

Do you also assume that I run red lights and cut corners along sidewalks just because of how I drive in GTA V?


so… if they won’t design the game to suit you, you want them to offer a service which they’ve never offered before?


why do you have such a big issue with just avoiding the impacted areas?

not familiar with it.

I will try to explain it again. If you only wanted to PvP, the warmode solution lets you have your fun. The ONLY reason to demand to PvP in the PvE shard, along with the ability to flag others against their will is to grief others. You are literally forcing someone to do something against their will. Thats not socially acceptable behavior.

What does GTA have to do with WoW? WoW is a PvE game, with a PvP subsection and the PvP needs to stay there.

I don’t do any of the above so they don’t matter. My plan for the pre-patch as stated above (you can scroll up if this isn’t clear) is to start leveling new characters the minute I can. I want a NEW stable of characters ready for SL. One of the MAIN aspects of SL is the level squish and all the new customizations. Cant finish Exiles Reach starting section is other players have nothing better to do than ensure I die. AI NPCs will not focus on lobbies like griefers do. We saw it last time and it WILL happen again.

Unless of course we let PvP players you know PvP against other PvP players. Still haven’t got a great answer why PvP players want to PvP against PvE players.

because there is no such thing.

as the blue post states.

if you want to avoid those conditions, check that an invasion isn’t active prior to your lowbies entering the area.


You do realize GTA V has PvE and PvP, too, right?

The multiplayer version of the game is almost an MMO, just shy of having dungeons and raids for players to do. There are PvE quests and PvP components.

No. We really aren’t. I am not forcing you to participate in this event. Blizzard isn’t threatening to delete your toon if you don’t participate.

Again, you can keep saying someone is forcing you all you want. It’s not going to make it any less false.

Except the War Mode solution isn’t actually a solution. War Mode is PvP insofar as faction vs faction, and events shouldn’t be exclusive to it unless they’re in tandem with the faction vs faction subsection. To make the War Mode shard a shard in which you can only participate in the event would be excluding those who don’t want War Mode on, but do want to participate in the event. You scream “aUTOnOmY”, but then expect Blizzard to do the very thing to other players that you don’t want them to do to you? Are you sensing a bit of hypocrisy here? Maybe some players don’t want to be “forced” into turning on War Mode.

(For the record, I think using “autonomy” when explaining choices in a video game is very silly. I’m just leveling the same logic in this situation because it’s applicable.)

So the very thing that doesn’t require you to spend more than two minutes in a city at most is what you’re going to be doing? If you’re leveling, there’s absolutely no reason for you to be in a city unless you’re logging off for the day. What exactly are you complaining about?

You don’t have to do Exile’s Reach if you don’t want to.

The way I see it, your reasoning comes off as extremely entitled. You want Blizzard to cater to your every need even if it means others get screwed in the process, even though solutions in the game already exist for you. You want to act as though your ability to choose in this game is being taken away from you, without realizing that what you’re asking for is for others to have their choices taken away from them. There are hundreds of zones for you to reside in while you’re leveling, four other Horde cities to choose from, and three sanctuaries that you can use if you don’t want to be in Orgrimmar. You can even use Undercity, which totals the amount of Horde cities up to five.

You’re playing this thing up to be such an insult against you and a handful of others, when in reality, you’re just unwilling to use the things already in-game to get you through a couple weeks.


Im sorry for the spoiler!! >_< I was so shocked they were there and that a DK can control them lol. I dont have a DK but once Prepatch drops, DK is one of the 5 toons i intend to level! During the zombie invasion on the PTR i had NO issues whatsoever leveling in both Elwynn and Westfall, as well as Nelfy lands and Azuremyst. Altaholics Represent :joy:

So the prepatch Legion assaults were killing leveling players, didnt hear whining and screaming over that.

Not exactly the same situation. The Legion assaults were strictly PvE, and low levels actually benefited from being in zones that had assaults. The case being made here is that it’s PvP, therefore we are all bullies who want to grief other players because we told them they can’t have a separate shard.

To be honest, I don’t really care if you participate or not. I’m sure plenty of people will be participating without those who don’t want to. My only issue is the entitlement oozing from posts like this that insinuate we’re all sociopaths just because we want to play the game the way it’s being coordinated to be played. That, and the inability to just run in the opposite direction of wherever the event is occurring.

The way I see it this event needs victims, both willing and unwilling, to be effective.

The world is fighting against you and converting players to achieve its goal, you either evacuate, fight back or succumb.

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Since when is GTA an RPG? Its a video game I will give you that but it doesn’t fit as an MMORPG computer game.

Actually yes you are. If I log in in the wrong area or I make a new toon, my only option is to die and run away and not play for however long this event lasts.

You can say its only faction vs faction but is really only player vs player. Autonomy is allowing me control over my character. What I ask is that you do not have control over where my character goes, where he can play and if he lives or dies. The story (NPCs can but other players should never have that unless the game is PVP). Asking that if you want to control other people that way, keep where other people want the same thing. Nice try to twist it around though.

I love this comment. Asking that others get to play the way they want but have no power over me is “entitled” yet asking to have control over others play,is NOT “entitled”. You demand to control your play and my play. I don’t want to control you, I just don’t want you to control me. Somehow you not being able to gank me in the PvE shard is so upsetting to you that you and several other have been arguing this for days. Still no reason why “YOU get to control MY playtime I pay for”. Saying move, go here, go there’s you can PvP in a PvE shard IS you trying to dominate my playtime.

I will ask you, where were you last time this event happened? I was here. I remember what happened. I remember the forums. I remember the hate. I remember Blizzard going this was our biggest mistake ever and we will NEVER EVER do it again. Why would you want Blizzard to make such an obviously ignorant choice again? Do you want them to fail? Do you think that in 12 years the player base has skewed extremely to the side of PvP as PvP gets less and less support from the devs?

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Actually, you DONT die making a new toon. I created new ones and had no issues. There were other players creating toons and going about questing too. Ive spent my time on the PTR split between starting lvl 1 toons to level so I could see the class changes from the ground up, to lvl 50 copied over toons to test the class and help in the zombie invasion.

The fact of it is that the npc and player zombies are not that strong. Example: i was in SW on a lvl 50 and just gawking at the zombies; there weren’t that many. Most were concentrated at the area around the guild hall and in Trade outside the inn. (If your hearth is set to SW trade inn, don’t forget there is an inn past the Embassy. Its only a shack with a void elf attending it, but it will do for those wanting a safe hearth in). I saw a bear tank just lumbering around in sloppy circles and he had at least 8 zombies on him. That Druid’s health barely dropped, it was pretty amazing. Were those zombie npcs or players? Its very hard to tell unless they are jumping, then its a player. Regardless, I dont feel a zombie npc is weaker than a zombie player. That bear tank has my admiration because hot damn that was really cool seeing him hold his own and he wasnt fighting back, he was running in slow loops and taunting the zombies lol.

So knowing this, I dont understand why the general idea seems to be an aversion to helping other players and teaming up together to put the zombies down. Why is the focus on “only griefers like this event, ALL of us will get griefed!” And not, “Curses! Sylvanas did this and now we have to clean up OUR world and make OUR world safe, together!”

Ive been adding to this thread for what, a week now? I lose track of time on a semi regular basis lol. But ive been sharing my experiences, what ive seen other players do, and how they’ve helped, as well as how ive survived and helped. I dont think this way of approaching this event is an anomaly. I think an event like this can either show everyone how the WoW community can band together, or [Every Man For Himself]

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The amount of whiny people just boggle my mind. Any inconvenience to them is the end of the world and they will 100% unsub over it.

I wish they would.

Because PvP is PvP and NOT PvE. If I wanted to kill other players or allow them to kill me, or to group up and kill other players as you say, I would just IDK PvP?

The aversion is to PvP. You can say well group up and kill ghouls. Fine I want to. Just no PC ghouls.

The point for PC ghouls and the need for it to be in the PvE shard is so the PC ghouls can kill PvE players (Specifically NOT PvP players) and try to see how long they can make the plague last and how far they can extend it.

Just like last time.

Actually, GTA V is a lot like an RPG. There are stats, you can customize your own character, and there’s an emphasis on choice.

At this point, this is a really dumb thing to argue. You need to learn what being forced to do something actually means. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is not being forced. It’s unfortunate, but it’s not forced, and it certainly isn’t as though you can’t escape the situation.

Yes, in the general sense, it is player vs. player. However, I can’t gank a Horde toon with War Mode on. It’s restricted to faction vs. faction. The whole purpose of the mode was to invoke a war between the two factions. Therefore, an event that doesn’t fall within that subsection shouldn’t be restricted to it.

I didn’t ask for that kind of control. All I said was don’t go to Orgrimmar. Where you go beyond that, I don’t really care. It’s a big world. It’s your choice.

To reiterate, how exactly are you being forced to not play the way you want? Is the way you play this game through Orgrimmar and Orgrimmar only? Do you play this game by going AFK in Orgrimmar for hours? Is your way of leveling to sit in Orgrimmar while you queue up for dungeons? You said it yourself, you were going to be busy leveling a character when the pre-patch hit. Why do you care that a city that’s mostly populated with content not related to you gets hit with a plague, then?

Again, I don’t want to control you, but you seem insistent on controlling others. You’re literally telling others that they should have to turn War Mode on if they want to experience the pre-patch event. How is that fair, but you having to spend a couple weeks in Thunder Bluff, where mostly everything is still widely available to you, and being there will show little to no interruption in your play, isn’t?

Yes. I was here. I’ve been here since Vanilla. I know what it was like. It was chaotic. It was messy, and it was sometimes ridiculous.

However, you are blowing the reaction way out of proportion. People were generally okay with it. You know why? Because they understood it was temporary and that it would eventually go away. For years, it’s been lauded as the best pre-patch event. I don’t know where you get the idea that it wasn’t.

Blizzard never said this.

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Give a source for this and everyone will believe you. Otherwise it never happened.

The whole ‘Blizz said they’d never repeat the invasions’ is the biggest mandela effect event in wow history. Me and plenty of people were sure that was a thing they said.

Like, yep like an RPG but not an RPG. Not a Fantasy RPG. And it targets a different audience.

See above. I do know. You commented on my previous comment. The action doesn’t matter, the mindset does. As any professional in the field.

Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is NOT forced.

Being attacked by other players without me agreeing to it IS being forced. Being pushed to another ZONE IS being forced.

Not being forced is allowing me to NOT have other players decide where I play or if I live or die. The game (NPCs) can decide that - other players shouldn’t.

That is control. You said I decide you cant go here. If you decide to spread the plague to other ares you are deciding I cant go there. If you decide to find a way to extend the plague to last 24x7 you are deciding if I can play or not because the areas I want to play in you have deemed off limits. Thats not YOUR choice. Blizzard can do it with NPCs - its their game. Players shouldn’t.

You removing my choices in where to go and what to do in game is me being forced.

So what if it is? That would be MY choice and not yours do decide. You don’t pay my sub and you should never be able to make choices for me.

How is giving you war mode and letting you PvP till your hearts content controlling you? I am saying you can do exactly what you claim to want to do. Just saying you cant do it to me.

I am saying if they want to PvP, PvP in the PvP shard. If turning the button ON is as hard for PvP players to do as it is for PvE players to turn off for war mode bonus, change flagging to mean warmode. A few lines of code instead of PvP action = flag, PvP action = war mode. Done.

Depends. Maybe its the people you play with or your age group. Were you 12 and the kids at school liked the griefing? I was 39 working at a big tech company where the vast majority of us played WoW. Several of my friends went across town to Work for Blizzard in Austin - some even moved to CA. No one I knew liked the event. The only positive post I saw on the forums was from Taliesin’s video.