The perfect time to launch a WOW2

oh man that P2W question really kicked off a hornets nest in here huh…

Blizzard can’t even keep up with this game properly and we want them to recreate an entirely new game with all of the features and options that this game has but make it better lol. Not happening in this lifetime


Wow 2 will end us all. The grass isn’t always greener my friend :v:


I’m not and I’m the pope :man_shrugging:

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pretty sure in an interview, a second wow was mentioned and they have no plans as they can just keep upgrading current wow. You have other versions of wow like classic/seasons and then retail

Also lets be honest, a lot of us have been here for a long time and probably wouldnt continue if we lost our entire collections just to move to the next. Theres also really no incentive to make a wow 2 with what they can already do and have done. Upgraded graphics? Weve already seen that over the years and honestly the realism graphics can get in the way and this game has always had a cartoonish style.

I can see a single player RPG game maybe and id probably play that but not a WoW2


I’ll never understand why people who dislike retail want a WoW2.
You realize it’ll be developed with the same methodologies and ideologies as WoW1 right?

M+ exists because they like it.
The gearing structure is structured how they want it.
Class design is where they want it (homogenized, easy to pick up)
So on, so forth.

The only real change would be visually. Better animations, models, etc.

Most excited for wod. It had hands down the best raid content woe has ever produced.

If they came out tmw and announced a wow 2…all the forums would come to live work but hurt crybabies crying they won’t have access to there mounts and mogs… And if by some miracle they stated that everything would be backwards compatible those same ppl would find something else to cry about like the fact they would need to buy a new game… No matter what blizz does ppl are gonna cry…it’s honestly annoying…, and before you say retail is dress or doing and classic is more popular… The player counts say other wise but hold onto that copium

Does that make Phantom Liberty, Cyberpunk 2077 - 2?

Does it make Hearts of Stone, Witcher 4?

Curious on this take.

It would be great if the “Last Titan” is the final expansion and as such the tale of Azeroth and her champions. The “Last Titan” gives us a chance to portal off to another world before she emerges at the end of the expansion destroying the planet itself setting us up for a WoW 2 on a different world starting over.

That or WoW 2 can go the easy route and throw is way way way back in time to say the war of the ancients as a starting point. That or we escape through the dark portal yet again to begin anew on AU Draenor where things can go very very different.

Reminder that GTA 6 never happened until now, because GTA 5 was still raking in huge amounts of money thanks to Shark Cash Card or whatever it’s called.

Microtransactions, basically.

WoW, same thing- there won’t ever be a WoW 2 while the original is still ‘alive’.

As long as people are still buying those $90 mounts and tokens, it’s gonna stay WoW 1.

For raid loggers yeah. WoD had very little outdoor content.


Circling back to this, it makes me chuckle because the devs had an interview about WoW and many of them considered Cata internally the WoW 2.0.

Massive engine and client overhauls.
Complete changing of game mechanics.
Mass world overhaul.

To them Cata was wow2

So is it WoW3 then?

Nothing turns me off more than a game or IP uninspired they slap a number on it… sorry FF that includes you, EverQuest 2 , guild wars 2 , ughhhhh

Just make a new game.

I wouldn’t want Blizzard’s developers making WoW 2. If WoW 2 is to be made I want it made by a non Blizzard company. Blizzard has yet to fix WoW 1 why would I want them making WoW 2?

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We’re on something like wow 10 right now. Who would want to go back to 2.

I’m pretty much only subbed at this point waiting for Plunderstorm and a new Remix.

If Plorm wasn’t right around the corner I’d be gone.

But “what WoW’s identity is” is highly subjective. There is no sign that Blizzard agrees with players like you on what it should be.

If there is a WoW2, and Blizzard has its way, it will be a tiny hardcore elite lobby game with a cult following.

Six years later, the new game would be ready for release, and would need to be the best game of the year with multiple years of player retention to pay off that investment. Do you really think the current Blizzard staff are capable of creating a unique new game like that?

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It’s not subjective. It’s just clear that as the game had given up the aspects that excited players and brought them together, participation went down. In this case, the metrics are enough evidence. Asking players around only reinforces the sentiment most of them feel – that they lost their friends, guilds and incentive to play, push and excel because of needless changes and the game’s late response to competition. Instead of innovating and staying on edge, WoW lazily reverted to its former self via classic, tried to imitate other genres via Plunderstorm (which I find fun but will probably not repeat the second season as it’s recolours and I want to push ratings in retail)… and caters to FOMO baiting. It’s the short-term fallacy of selective near-sightedness and superficiality.

Classic Pandaria might draw some players to return and experience those days, but ultimately these are pocket simulacra that don’t move on, or move on whereas some would want to continue playing them.

Since WoD, the game has taken things away, including incentive and reward, and given players things to test without asking them if they wanted it. It’s a pretentious attitude that doesn’t communicate, but impose. It’s not a particularly great way to run a live-service MMORPG. That’s objective, evolutionary and consumer psychology back that up, and so do the numbers, and a congregation of the unheard voices of players who quit and the frustrated voices of those who remain, or try to return, are over/under-whelmed and quit.

Failing to adapt and maintain uniqueness is quite an easy formula in a competitive market.

There’s not going to be a “Wow 2.” Making one would be a marketing mistake. There are loads of people who would immediately shut down their subscriptions and Blizz would lose a chunk of player base. People wouldn’t want to lose their existing characters with their names, achievements and mounts or pets they farmed years to get.

What Blizz will probably do is look at porting WoW to console on a Battle Pass. They’ll keep adding new game modes to the existing WoW (i.e. Classic, Hardcore, Discovery, Remix, Plunderstorm, etc.) so that there is still fresh content or new takes on old content, and at some point they may upgrade the game engine and graphics, work out some more of the bugs in the code.

What might be interesting would be a trip to alternate Warcraft universes to draw in things like the Diablo, Overwatch or Starcraft worlds in some way, but I don’t expect that to happen, either.

i’d expect it far more likely to finally get the Starcraft MMO than WoW2, it’d give them a game with a good foundational core of players and an MMO That doesn’t have a lot of thematic competition.