The perfect time for Night Elves and Worgen to take back their lands

If they want to keep the factions up, they have to make some Alliance factions going rogue with a justified cause. Cause at this point, the horde is all under a single banner, the banner of being pacification. And peace wont drive the WoW story engine.

Someone somewhere has to do something bad, and at this point, the undead which were the only shady ones are being bent over to the Green Jesus and the Boy King’s BFF status.

Great idea, OP. I will now write a strongly-worded letter to my king advocating this.

Make Gilneas… uh… Exist Again!


Unless you are talking about Durotar, canonically night elves got darkshore and ashenvale back. Azshara was given to the horde in a trade. Gilneas is also in control of the worgen.

How would it shift the Balance of power too much by the night elves retaking Darkshore and ashenvale?

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And I whole heatedly hope you guys get everything back, even Trisifal glades and Lordaeron.

I want the Alliance to stomp the Horde so bad on all fronts shrinking their lands. This would achieve 3 things.

  • Give the Alliance a story, and something to celebrate for (other than seeing their king in a cinematic, although he was covered behind sadfang 60% of the time).
  • Give the Alliance some colors, not all Alliance races have be Anduin’s dogs on a leash.
  • Give the Horde a better understanding that if they don’t act, they will be eliminated. The war should wage on for both sides survival.
  • Drive the game story forward.

The horde would have no equiliant on the eastern kingdom.

Hmm. The Night Elves are showing more defiance to the Alliance than any remaining member of the Horde is. Sad.

Who said forsaken cannot have Hillsbrad, arathi or Trisfal glades/silverpine back? Iam sure Anduin is more than happy to accommodate that

Honestly, I think the Horde is going to be ordered out as part of the cease fire. Otherwise Anduin will have a major problem because there is no way Tyrande will stop the conflict otherwise.

The Worgen could easily move back home. I played in that area a month ago and the city if fine. There is very little blighted areas still and Jaina can clean up those pretty quick.

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i think the night elves should take over dire maul and restore it to the city it was meant to be. Greymane should go with them and establish a new night elf and worgen stronghold in feralas. Call it Gilnassus. the ability to control their curse and keep them from being mindless wolves is druidic in nature, it really ties in with the whole elune/moon/druids kinda thing.

The Trisfal is a noman’s land. No one has it. Sorry, I digress. I see your point. If the Trisfal is retaken by the Forsaken. I have no issue with the Alliance having Darkshore. Check and balances that sorta thing. The Worgen capital where it currently is. Is out of the question. If it was moved to another location further south I see no issue with it.

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It’s sad that in two sweeps they displaced two races… for nothing really

There is no way in hell Genn would every allow the Horde to tell him that he can not move his people back to their native lands. And right now Genn and Tyrande aren’t looking like they bought a ticket on the “peace” train.


I really don’t care what that insane warmonger dog thinks. But, your right. I guess he will just have to settle for nothing then.

And then the war will continue :slight_smile:

Looking it up, Gilneas was already won by the Alliance, they just didn’t bother to repopulate it, I mean look the city is quite literally empty

occam’s razor its not my job to find your proof. I can dismiss this with an equally baseless statement.

alas so the cycle continues.

this is my primary motivation for wanting the horde to lose more. when i play my horde characters the alliance doesn’t even register as a blip on the radar. alliance doesn’t feel like a threat, they’re not portrayed as one either. feels soulless. whereas when i play alliance i feel like i’m fighting for the continued existence of all alliance peoples.

that being said, it’s never gonna happen. war’s over, pack it up. wow’s population is going down the drain, we need cross-faction grouping to make sure the game stays alive for a few more years.

I think you’re trying to say Russel’s teapot.