"The path taken" quest. Something has to change!

Cannot do the part “memories confronted”. People are camping on the places where mobs spawn and there’s no way to get the kills you need for the quest if you are alone. Huge crowds of players are just standing there killing the mobs before you can get half a hit on the mobs. They are not moving destroying the game for other people.

Is there a way to contact support and get this fixed now?


Too many people there? Sounds like the path was indeed, taken.


I cannot believe they were this dumb. This design was made by someone who apparently has no knowledge of the playerbase behaves when given the opportunity to grief a mandatory step in a quest.


Strangely enough when I unsummoned my pets I was able to complete the quest.

Lucky I have “Rain of Fire”. Had to pop that 3 times at each place to get the quest done.

Not sure why that would have helped, but I don’t have that as an option to even try. Not that it would; the issue is the crowd of campers making sure no one gets any tags.


I’ve given up trying for the time being even when I swear my AOE makes contact with the spawns I still don’t get a tag.

Are they people or bots?

I’m sure that’s a lot of help for the portals that do not spawn and the
phased out quest givers - I have other issues besides that but in my humble opinion
poor continuity design is the main reason for the portals being absent
Quality Control it seems was/is non-existent and I believe that to be the
core reason

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Don’t know how to tell the difference. But they were mostly standing still and then doing massive AOE dps when the adds spawned. Had a couple of toons moving but most were just standing there.

Just to be clear: They lay down AoE so that the targets are all tagged horde then no one but horde get credit - also the clear sign of jerks are when they’re done with their quests they hang out for an hour to ruin yours. This, in a truly pathetic, poorly designed and poorly implemented quest is the cherry on top… and indicative of the end of an Empire


I spinning crane kicked for 15min and got nothing, so I decided to come back later. Now there’s now way back. I have spent 70 min trying to get back there, and it seems impossible. I will try for 20 more minutes, and then I think I’m finally done with this game that never seems to work right forever. It’s actually insane to continually do this to players every time a new quest chain is rolled out. Is there no QE? What is going on there that they can’t get anything to work? Best of luck with this clusterf.

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Yes. A couple of paladins put that fire thingie they have on the ground. And had a mage running around there spamming Arcane Explosion also. It is poorly designed and it just makes the game no fun to play.

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you mean consecration?

Update: there is a translocator pad that takes you in to the quest area. I am still very mad but continuing apace. I was able to complete the quest this time. I will still never understand why it is like this. Best of luck!

I don’t play a paladin so I don’t know what it is called :wink:

Almost 9 hours later and I still can’t get it done.

No replies from Blizzard. No acknowledgement, nothing.

They just can’t stop shooting themselves in the foot.


It’s really not even worth doing. Finished the quest line and thought, meh.

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Probably best to wait a couple days until the initial rush dies off a bit.


I’m not doing any quests for a day or so that involve individual tagging. Many players feel the need to get it done in the first hour. Im content to wait.