The Pandaren Embassy

Greetings fine travellers!

As an avid Pandaren roleplayer I have found a lack of organized roleplay and resources to find like minded players and guilds focused on this race.

I have spoken to others in the wild who share the sentiment. It’s hard to find other serious Pandaren players - yet there were so many out there. So I made a discord server.

The Pandaren Embassy is a one stop spot for all things pandaren! The server is to help all pandaren (or future pandaren) players find connections for pve content, pvp content, roleplay content and events, any recruiting Pandaren themed guilds, as well as help with any questions you might have about fleshing out your character out to it’s full potential!

Please come and join us, I’m hoping together we can all make this server a success together!

Send me a btag message at Nala#21472 for the link!


I love this! Pandaren RP is hard to find nowadays. So will be reaching soon!

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Well. I might have to make a panda so I can do this.


It’s good to see more Pandaren players try to centralize the community. I feel that Moonguard as a server has a decent chunk of Pandaren players, but we’re sort of scattered around the server without one big place to call home. I’m looking forward to seeing what roleplay events and such come out of this :slight_smile:


Definitely a concept I’d be interested in!,

This character is currently stuck in timerunning however


Friend request sent z(^.^)b

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A community for pandas to call home? I’d love to join! Friend request sent :3


Could the discord be linked in the OP? I’ve sent a friend request so I can request the link but it’d gotten declined. I don’t think there’s a way to send a btag message without being btag friends.


Same thing here. A link to the Discord would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:


This would be amazing!


I would also be interested in this.



I GM a Pandaren Guild and run a similar albeit presently stagnant Pandaren social community.

I sent you a friend request so that we can DM. Would love to chat with you!


I’ve been brainstorming a Pandaria centered guild for a long time, this would be a great opportunity to push me towards finishing its development to open it up!


How do you feel about Rajani Mogu characters? For the Highkeeper!

Has anyone had any luck with the discord server? I sent OP a bnet friend request and havent heard back. I want to be with my fellow Pandaren :3


Haven’t heard anything either


I feel like at a certain point we should just make our own server if we don’t hear a response. If they decide to respond later, we can merge.

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I’d give anything to see another Pandaren RP guild again. Or even just other pandaren to RP with. Friend request sent


I second this! I sent a request as well and nothing. Think at this point should make our own server!

I remember that in pre-Shadowlands i saw a “Pandaren Empire” guild but i dont remember if it was on Moonguard or on WrA. Regardless of that its nice to see people attempting to create another Pandaren guild <3.

Sadly my only Panda char is time-lost in Pandaria Remix.