The overall lack of Addon support

The overall lack of add-on support for Tbc Beta is not looking good… I mean even at the end of beta we still have no Bartender support simple addons for UI and even bag customization are seriously lacking… And before you say it I know there are alot of people out there like “WHAT ADDONS EWWWW!!!” but hey some serious lack in support for even Healbot have fallen off.

So, hop to it and start writing some addons. For free.



Have you spoken with the authors of said addons. None of the things you mentioned are a Blizzard product and are the sole responsibily of indivduals outside Blizzard to maintain and update.

You may want to go to their forums, github or curse page and inquire with them about where they are with their addons and TBC support.

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Bartender is not coded by Blizzard. ALL addons are coded by non-Blizzard independent people.

Every expansion, every major patch for the last 16 years has been the same: addons are updated later. Some, after a few hours. Some, after weeks, or months, or never. Some addons don’t need changing. Other addons are seriously broken.

Did “Bartender” run in TBC? Was it identical to the “Bartender” that ran in Vanilla? If it changed, you need to get the new “TBC Bartender”, once the people who code Bartender decide to release that version.


The Salt Lords have spoken.

Hey, check this out, this is my impersonation of your typical poster replying to your thread:



“oh yeah man, I hear you about those addons but have you ever considered getting tri-specs and LFR BLIZZARD?”

or maybe even:

“Addons? How can you talk about addons at a time like this when there might only be one or two warriors per raid like the other, lesser classes?”


LOL! You should do impressions for a living me. That was great!

Here have a heart! I don’t care who you are, that was funny right there!


I understand how the addons are made/created. I was referring this to the addon makers that failed to post any updates to any “working TBC beta” flagged addons that were on curseforge saying they were working. Clearly, they were not lol. I hope you read this messege.

Imagine being this dense.

You do realize that
A) Blizzard isn’t testing addons because they are more concerned about the actual game?

B) Addons are made by random individual’s, for free. So, it’s on them to update or abandon the project, not blizzard

C) It’s beta, why do you make dumb assumptions based on a not final product?

So instead of posting on curseforge to ask for updates, you came here to…?

Who’d write and maintain an addon for a beta? Sounds like a lot of extra work for something so temporary.

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It’s official, the US is a third world country, we no longer maintain addons for betas.

I’m just kidding, in all seriousness, I’d wait till a week or two after release to start seeing most addons get updated. Most of the addons I ended up using in Classic weren’t even around the first couple of months.

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Actually the beta is great for addon developers. They can start working on addon updates early because they have a test bed to use. The beta gives them the real working Blizzard API.

And before you say it, no they cannot use the current Classic API for this work as TBC introduces changes to the API they need to account for.

A large amjority of the work they do on a Beta addon is directly translated to the production addon they will release on or near launch.

They could start work, but with how fast things change in the beta, I’d expect most addons to be permanently “outdated.”

It’s great, but that would first require specific addon authors to have beta access. I realize that at some point they usually make sure to give access to the bigger addon developers, but I don’t know if that’s happened yet. Besides, many authors may want to wait until they know everything is stable so they aren’t chasing changes. (Sometimes some of the API changes come fairly late in the development cycle.)

It’s really not worth worrying about. Most addons will be updated shortly after TBC goes live. Any that don’t and fill an important niche will either pick up a new author or someone will create a new addon to fill the niche.

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If true, this makes your original post look even worse. You no longer have ignorance of the system to excuse your incredibly selfish demand that addon makers, working for free in their spare time, post their addons for a beta.


Yeah it has, they were one of the first rounds of Beta Testers given access. I am not sure of the specifics or what addon makers specifically got access, but the addon community was a high priority for beta access and should, at this stage, have it.

At the end of the day, the WoW forums are not the place for this discussion. Each addon developer has setup forums, chats, etc on a platform of choice such as CurseForge, GitHub, etc. to discuss their addons and post the current status.

Your asnwers are there, not here.

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