We, The Outcasts, are recruiting all types of players, our main goal is to progress through PVE content efficiently as possible, we are currently 8/9 heroic in Battle of Dazar’Alor and we where 4/8 mythic in Uldir. We are currently trying to fill our mythic weekend team’s roster and get some fresh meat for the weekday group. We are also interested in just having new faces around the guild to get to know if the raiding scene isn’t for you.
Weekday- Wednesday and Thursday 9pm-12pm est
Weekend- Saturday and Sunday 8pm-11pm est
There currently aren’t any set in stone m+ groups going but guildies are always down to smash a couple dungeons.
Feel free to add Crystilia#1597 or CodyLllamos#1306 if you have any questions or want to team up with us!