<The Order> Defends the Maw from Horde Invaders

Last night, as many Alliance were completing their weeklies in the Maw, a contingent of Horde lead by Division VII began camping the entrance to that cursed place, denying any Alliance from doing their noble work of freeing trapped souls.

Word soon came to the soldiers of The Order, and the horns of war were sounded.

Assembling roughly equal numbers, The Order quickly flash formed, and descended into the Maw to make the way clear for the members of their faction.

The light was on the side of our soldiers, for our plate wall proved too much for the sad lot of Horde that dared raise their hands against the work of Fordragon and King Wrynn (wherever he may be!)

What follows is the firsthand account of the slaughter that took place:


http s://youtu.be/HFf9mhNhnaI

The Order stands for the Alliance, for justice, and for Azeroth. And we’re always looking for more ready to fight on the side of good!


I’m still picking bits of D7 out of my hair :weary:


What a thrill.

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server was lagging without us not having a full raid, much less with 50+ ally in area.

Headline should read:
“Unable to fight in realm of the living, Alli take final stand in Hell”


A Division 7 raid wiped again. Just like old times. I dig it.

Alliance population across WoW in one sentence.

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Alliance Mercenaries: Allies of The Devil?

It’s more likely than you’d think, folks. We’ve reports these baby killers masquerading as soldiers of the Alliance are actively guarding the gates of the Maw.

When will Regent Lord Turalyon arrest these brigands our tax dollars subsidize?

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