<The Oran’Thul> - Horde | NA | PvP | Hardcore | Weekends

They get me through the day while waiting for release! :slight_smile:

Practicing for Classic! :slight_smile:

Still deciding if u nerds deserve me or not…

If you got that attitude, you better be freaking good. everyone has been putting in the hours, practice and teamwork are godly. we are always looking for more people to join the team.

I lol’d. A lot.

You got that somethin that I need

The time is now.
Join before it’s too late.
Come dominate with <The Oran’Thul>

gainz for the boyz

1 and a half months left!

Don’t bother if you are a human with Summer stuff you had to do for a week or two. They are rabid about their PTR and won’t give you any time.

We remove all guild members who are inactive. We also warn them for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to removing them.

In your case you have 3 1/2 weeks to respond to the Discord pings and you did not.

Nope, it was about a week and a half. I’ll be happy to post dates in the thread.

Sure thing buddy. Instead of talking about this like an adult and messaging me you chose to go to a public forum to discuss your problems.

In these cases we change the kick to a permanent ban.

Good luck to you.

Yep, you didn’t bother to contact me or ask if I’m available. Good luck to you and yours as well.

That’s not true at all.
He gives people like 2 weeks and post a list of all the people that have been inactive over the weeks till he kicks.
He doesn’t kick after a week or whatever nonsence you were spewing.
It’s also not his job to ask you where you are, and why you are not active.
That’s why they have an attendance tab in our discord, or the option to send someone a PM.

Boom. There are multiple channels available to contact me or an Officer to let us know that you will be MIA for a while.

We have plenty of members who have to take a month+ to get some stuff settled.

We even have members in the military that leave for 1-3 months sometimes. As long as they just give us a quick “Hey will be gone for x amount of time. See ya when I get back!” then everything is fine.

I see the raid times listed as EST, will you all be rolling on an Eastern Server or Central as an option?

We are most likely going on an East server to have some dudes that aren’t living in the US.

Central is a possibility still.

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Cool, still looking for a home ‘location/timezone’ for myself and friends, as we are all over NA from coast to coast. :slight_smile:

We have people all over. Eu and Oce players as well. Will have people on all hours.