<The Oran’Thul> - Horde | NA | PvP | Hardcore | Weekends

Would you have any interest in a Rogue with hard core raiding experience starting in '99 with EQ and progressing through WotLK. I plan to alt Priest for those alt raids after the Rogue is properly geared.

We have a few spots for hardcore rogues.

Absolutely! We can certainly use another dedicated Rogue!

Put an app in under my main’s name. which I prefer not to post here til I secure it on whichever server I end up on.

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how’d that unparalleled stability work out in Legion?

Not sure I understand your question.

My life didn’t start until I met daddy Nekrage

To the Top.

This guild - invaluable practise. Come join!

Get to live again soon … 89 days !! … come get yours.

Ticktock baby! We are getting close! :slight_smile:

Give us classic or we riot.

Less than 3 months left! Lets get it!

Ill slay you.

0 g0d 0 fuk pls dont withhold the healz

I figured you guys would just stay on your PTR server, where you can just .die everything and not have to farm.


The jealousy. The fear.

In every MMO we have the weak who whine and complain such as yourself. : )

Thanks for the bump! Keep them coming!

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This post made me laugh.

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The weak and the funny also have their place in the food chain haha

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Can you imagine playing on a PvE server?

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