The Opposite of Paladin Is... Rogue

Interestingly, the majority of my guildies and friends over the years who mained rogue also usually played paladins as their secondary character. They were my first and second favourite too, until I picked up monk a few years back.

aw the i am not going to be a stealth archer in skyrim meme lol

I canā€™t pick pocket.

Thatā€™s a Rogue ability lol

I mean if you want opposite itd probably be shadow priest

Shadow vs light
Cloth vs plate
Melee vs caster

Rogues are physical and poisons

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Well you could if you have the succubus charm your victim . :thinking:

Actually I think the opposite of paladin is nibɒlɒqā€¦ :mirror:

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Only for Subtlety.

Leather armor is traditionally considered medium, not light.

Are there such things as heavy, one-handed weapons in World of Warcraft?

Honor Among Thieves.

The opposite of a Paladin is a Death Knight.

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Well for me the answer would be fun and not fun.

Paladins being the fun.

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The Opposite of Paladin in WoW has always been the Shaman class; as at launch the two classes were the only ones faction-locked to Alliance and Horde respectively.

Paladin: light, moves, fights

Potatoe: keep in a cool dark place, stationary, peaceful.

If you can call the Worgen a civilizationā€¦ their Queen is a Rogue. One of the Uncrowned. Gennā€™s daughter, Tess.

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False equivalency. Tess is first and foremost a politician. Being a rogue is secondary to her.

From a broad stroke kind of viewpoint, rogues arenā€™t even the polar opposite of paladins. Warlocks are.

You could argue DKs are, but every warlock chose to use demons and fel magic which is antithetical to the light and holy magic whereas DKs had their necromantic affliction forced upon them.

You canā€™t argue morality where we arenā€™t given choices. Paladins arenā€™t the lawful good and rogues arenā€™t the chaotic neutral. The rogue is treated as every bit the in the spotlight noble hero as the paladin. If this game had more depth and the way to choose viable ways to accomplish objectives then you could more entertain the notion that characters could start to fall into some form of an alignment grid.

Wrong. Tess is (not was, IS) one of the Shadows of the Uncrowned, their leaders. She has been one since Legion, comparatively she only JUST became Queen of Gilneas. Tess has been a Rogue for longer than she has been a politician.


Not only does the Horde actually count as a civilization, despite what you incorrectly believe; tell me, what class is the SI:7 composed of?

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Both are plate and use two handed weapons. Thatā€™s similarities so not total opposites xD

Magical affiliations yes but only so as light and dark are opposite.

Iā€™m pretty sure Mathias Shaw is one of the most valuable people in the Alliance.


Can you not read? I said ā€œISā€.

Back in My ignore list you go, stalker who followed me from MMO-Champion. :joy:

Shaw is a not a thief/murderer/bandit, heā€™s a State-sponsored spymaster. Heā€™s classified as a ā€œrogueā€ only for gameplay purposes. He is often employed as a diplomat too actually.

A Death Knight.

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