The open creation catalyst 6 days early challenge

Cosmic Flux is probably hard to contain if your only interactions with ZM is doing the world quests only and world boss…and I mean only.

I think I’ve got 50k already on my DK and that’s just picking up treasures/going for convenient rares.

It is if you are one of those that thinks they should not do any content aside from PvP, raiding, etc. Or just doing the bare minimum.

I have enough on my shaman alt to craft a couple tier pieces already and the only thing that character ever does is world quests and maybe one m+ per week to get a bare minimum of one option from the vault. It’s pretty easy. The people who think it’s hard to obtain are the same people who think they should be given everything just for getting past the log-in screen.

In otherwords, maybe 90% of those that post on the forums?