The open creation catalyst 6 days early challenge

A lot of people also think the stats from the non-tier piece will carry over.

They’re also going to be upset.

Here is a friendly accent man to explain it for anyone who’s still curious.

you can’t fix stupid :woman_shrugging:

people who are so helpless or intellectually lazy they can’t read an article on wowhead to understand how it works are going to be mad. darn.

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Bracers, belt, boots, maybe a cloak too? So your tier can look all matchy-matchy…
Wowhead it… it does make tier but the best use for it is for completing your class tmog set since they didn’t give an 8 piece tier…
That is entirely what the system was intended for… You actually think the flying monkeys actually added bad luck protection into the game on purpose? lolololololol

haha I love this

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catalyst should have been open week 1


Now about people complaining about the 1 week CD (that will get shorter and be 2 days eventually), yes people will rightfully complain. ESP those with incredibly bad luck that end up having to craft every piece and never see a single RNG drop.

I’ve seen questions asked and people have answered this with correct information.

I think you’re just trying to create more drama than we already have.




It’s going to be way more hilarious when it opens up and immediately groups are going to start demanding 2 and 4PC sets in addition to bloated IO levels just to qualify for groups that in no way “need” it.

Same for when 9.2.5 hits and Alliance and Horde can play together. It is NOT going to be the Alliance paradise unless you are way ahead of the curve already…just wait until you have a much larger and overall more elitist faction now all competing for spots for keys.

I play on both sides and Horde is way more harder to get even a single 15 in for.

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It would have been nice to have at the start of the season. Especially with the timegated charge system. But it is what it is.

I care about that more then tier honestly. The 4 set will be nice. But the charges can be used to get all the raid transmogs! Something that I usually wait a few expansions to do.

I also think it will be nice to be able to complete mogs without having to hoard drops from others, always a hard decision when its the last piece you need to complete a set but also a good Ilvl upgrade for a bud.

Especially with how long you need to wait now to solo legacy raids, better to complete while current.

You are kidding right. Cosmic flux is nothing to get. My warrior JUST got to ZM, not even done one of the pieces quest, and has more than enough to get a tier set upgrade…

I always wanted a transmog roll. It would be nice to keep the transmog though if you decide to give it to someone else, if you dont need the ilvl. Would incentive more transmog runs.

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Yes, that would be a nice way to do it!

I assume they are worried about one person getting a drop and just passing it around until every eligible person had that appearance, sure they could make it so that only the original person who picked it up and the person who ends up with the item gets the look.

See but that would be a fun thing to do for a transmog run. Or like whatever drops everyone gets the appearance for.

The layers of rng just to get a transmog piece is a little ridiculous until you can solo them in legacy mode.

Fun ain’t allowed though.

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I mean… yeah? That’s how it works basically. Nobody wants to play “on the edge”. Once you can start getting tier, requirements for groups are going to inflate. Thankfully Blizzard has the sense to make it unlock for everyone, even if their character literally doesn’t exist right now, so new alts can run low keys, get eligible pieces, and upgrade into tier.

yea this is one of the dumbest things about trading loot.

if PL grants me an item, and I choose to trade it, I should keep the appearance.

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Excuse me? “Hard to obtain”? You think Cosmic Flux is hard to obtain? Are we playing the same game?