The only way for Night Elves to win something

The so called “squatters” are the only reason Azeroth is not an Old God controlled(and possibly soon to have Dark titan) planet. Hell, recent lore seems to point out that they existed long before the trolls. And even if they didn’t they were born using material from Azeroth and are as much a part of it as anyone. Sans Draenei and Orcs(in the case of the orcs they are definately titanic in origin, the dreanei possibly one) and ultimately every race on Azeroth are “children of the titans”. Just one big mess of a dysfunctional family.

Sira is so unsympathetic during that Darkshore Warfront lmao. She just throws a complete temper tantrum the whole time. Miss Maiev made her look dumb tbh.


This is monstrously hilarious…

I mean it do be my personal opinion that night elves in particular should basically be viewed as kin/cousins of the trolls. They live deep in the forests, they perform dark rituals and sacrifice, worship Loa… ahem “wild gods”, are lead by a “High Priestess” of a Moon Loa… ahem again, I mean Goddess, and are vicious towards outsiders.

They need a hamfisted reason for her to hate the people she spent her life trying to protect.

Imagine being an associate-manager at a store and the manager has to be out of the store for a while due to a work-related issue at another store. Now you’re the acting manager.

Now imaging throwing a hissy-fit and trying to burn the store to the ground because you were made to do your job.

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I lol’d IRL

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I’m not sure you understand why I adore Gal’s quote.

Hint: it has nothing to do with truth, beauty, or love.

Not really. They lose it every other week.

I jest, i know that’s just a game mechanic.

They resurrected their entire pantheon in Cataclysm. I’d call that an upbeat moment.

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Whom have proceeded to do absolutely nothing really since then, and were along with Malfurion in Cata infuriatingly neutral even when the Orcs were destroying their way through Ashenvale.


Basically lol. Maiev’s reactions to Sira’s meltdown during that Warfront going from utter bewilderment as to why she’s doing this to finally “okay Sira, I guess I failed you. Now catch this fade.” Is the only entertaining thing there.


What Sarumal said. Those wankers don’t care about the Night Elves. Where were they when the Horde was slaughtering its way to Teldrassil? Spinning their wheels because neutrality that’s where. Screw them.


Like the space ship the wild gods didnt fut into the stiry blizz wanted to tell…aka the writters know seemingly nothing about the lore and dont care about any race being anything but diffrent colored humans and orcs

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It’s not the first time they’ve let them down though. Supposedly they’re meant to be allies but they don’t show it. So why bother with them at all?


Because then blizz would have a harder time beating up the night elves.


Look I know the out of universe reasons and so do you. But in universe it has made them look like they just don’t care about the Night Elves so we shouldn’t care about them either.


In universe they all went to the store to get cigarettes and never came back.


They’re Wild Gods…they’re not supposed to be active unless the full balance of nature is at threat. That is not the case. Tribal politics is not their concern.

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They intervened in Hyjal when all that was happening there was a bunch of fire elementals trying to burn the tree down. How was this any different? They turned a blind eye to the Horde’s actions and two zones and a world tree suffered for it.


Reread your sentence… Fire Elementals out of control… That’s Nature out of whack by definition.