The only way for Night Elves to win something

No words were put in your mouth. I am inferring conclusions from the things you have stated.

The Night Elves are rightfully currently trying to reclaim Ashenvale and Darkshore, places lost in the War of Thorns and places they call home.

The Farraki tribe of Tanaris wished to reclaim more of the desert they called their home, but which was taken from them by outsiders who set up shop there. Adventurers are tasked with viciously pillaging and mass slaughtering the inhabitants of the Farraki tribes great city, Zul’Farrak, to teach these naughty trolls a lesson that it isn’t okay for them to act with autonomy in lands they themselves have developed.

The story virtually repeats itself with the Amani tribe, whose territories were violently conquered by elves and humans. When Zul’jin put his foot down, turned to dark paths to take back what was stolen from his people, his great city was sacked and pillaged by Horde and Alliance in a gleeful raid for purple items.

Both these stories completely end without a tear shed for the Trolls in question. No cinematic. No story beats. No impact on the larger narrative. Just a job well done hearty adventurer, here is your gold, reset the dungeon and get some more, or come back next week on your guilds raid night.

The Frostmane don’t even get a dungeon. Their entire starving villages are slaughtered by the dwarf starting player because they dared to steal a few rams to survive the snowy mountains of Dun Morogh.

The Darkspear? They are the token “good” tribe and they don’t really even have a homeland.

I could go on about others, like the Witherbark and such but I’ll stop there.


Aw, nah, c’mon! Don’t you remember winning that skirmish in the cutscene leading up to the Darkshore Warfront? That was cool right?

You guys totally killed the heck out of that caravan, and Malfurion was like “We’re coming for her!” insert cool night elf song

You guys have gotten a lot this expansion!

How dare you! Cairne was a national treasure and the only major Tauren character to date!


Ok they have some beef but he probably made a good burger.


Blasphemy! Sacrilege! Profaaaanityyyyy!


See, since they’re just Trolls 2.0: The Pretty Edition, I think Elves and Trolls have equal claim to their respective homelands, and everyone else are just squatters. In territorial disputes between the two, like the conflict between Azshara and the Zandalari, or the beginning of the Troll Wars, I take more of a passive, let the chips fall where they may kind of view. Because those conflicts are really just a continuation of the inter-tribal conflicts that drove Troll expansion in the first place.

But I feel the High Elves set a bad precedent towards the end of the Troll Wars by getting the squatters involved. And now Elves and Trolls alike have muddied the waters by getting themselves mixed up in coalitions of newcomers.


OK … you have gotten a wee bit out of hand with the NE victim threads. Seriously, you seem to make like 3 of them a day. As for this topic … pretty sure the Forsaken NE storyline has seen absolutely zero progression since Sira and Summermoon got raised; and Sira got turned into a really awkward Warfront boss (caught in perpetual limbo of the Warfront’s back-and-forth).

How about we wait to see even a hint of what Blizzard intends for these dead elves before flying off the deep end about THIS topic? Hell, I still don’t quite believe Blizz that they haven’t been mind-garbled in some way … we know nothing. There is nothing to comment on atm.


Heh sorry my first pun was too subtle so I went for more obvious.

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Uh well I’m just trying to get blizzard to change their minds when it comes to ending the night elf story. I’ve never had a problem with it until they landed the final blow in the war of thorns, and now they said that they want to go towards other directions with their storytelling, leaving the night elf story unfinished.

I don’t expect blizzard to come into my threads and comment on it (obviously), but if there’s a slight chance of changing their minds and giving feedback then why shouldn’t I try to take it? Also I created 7 topics in the span of 7 days talking about different things (yes they are all night elf related), but it’s not like I’m spamming the forums or anything.

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Blizzard doesnt even read the story forum


Yeah if they did they might steal some of our less crazy ideas from time to time and the story would probably be better for it.


At this point I can only commend them on at least still caring enough to post. Sometimes, I wish I didn’t.


A lot a good that did for us Hordies huh?

They tasked the Horde (the FAR weaker faction conceptually) to suicidally play the aggressors in a war we are constantly told we should: A) feel bad about participating in; and B) could never hope to win, without the Alliance being massively handicapped. They forced the Red Faction into a role it was not nearly equipped to handle, solely (by all indications) to push the personal narrative of a single Horde representative (that throughout the entire course of her character has never represented even her own Forsaken very well; let alone the Horde as an institution).

Long story short … everyone has it bad right now; and there are PLENTY of things to complain about on the NE side of the fence. However, making a big deal about the Undead NEs (when we have like ZERO context on them yet) … seems unnecessary at this point in time (it may be warranted later, but we just don’t know yet).


Well, yes. I’m not bashing horde players or anything, I’m just complaining about the writing. The story is written in a way where night elves are supposed to feel bad because they got completely destroyed and horde players are supposed to feel bad because they are forced follow a stupid evil warchief in its crimes. Well either that or they can side with Baine and Saurfang which also feels wrong because Saurfang is like one of the most hypocritical characters in the game currently.
Something that really bothered me was the dev comment where they said that night elves are donezo now and there is absolutely no way that they will cover all the open stories they have been leaving open in BfA so far… any they’re still opening up even more stories.


The core causes of this are being on Kalimdor, and Blizz’s constant portrayal of the Horde as this “underdog” that launches wars of aggression because… potato? Reasons.

If either of the above weren’t true, the night elves wouldn’t constantly be the outlet to portray the Horde at large as a bunch of belligerent nutters. Remember Cata barrens? When the E.K. Alliance was scattered all over the barrens? Well, they were getting hit all over the place then too. (And frankly, despite the horrid Alliance cata content on the whole, at least Cata Barrens/Stonetalon Alliance did things to earn the attacks).

So honestly, Night elf fans should have a vested interest in not wanting to see the Horde be frog-marched down to cartoon villain land. It’s a big part of why the Forsaken generally have not suffered- they are in the E.K., but the Alliance generally being on the receiving end of attacks, or at least not attacking, ensured they weren’t beat up the way Night elves have been.

TLDR? Horde stops being forced to be villains, Night Elves naturally stop losing everything all the time.


I do like potatoes.

  1. Tyrande destroyed Emeriss. She and the night elves also killed Ysera.
  2. The night elves(along with the rest of the Alliance) defeated Garrosh and liberated most of Ashenvale, at least for a time.
  3. Malfurion and Tyrande defeated Xavius back in Stormrage.
  4. The night elves destroyed that troll village back in Cata.
  5. Shandis killed off that San’lyn trying to join the Horde.

The night elves(like the rest of the races of WoW) have had victories and defeats.

And before you go “human potential”, I’d like to remind you Theramore is still a crater and every human nation has been destroyed/heavily damaged and rebuilt.

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How did you miss Ragnaros?

The Undead Night Elves that joined Sylvanas haven’t been shown to be winning anything, really. Their total participation so far has been to get killed by Tyrande and the Alliance player in the Alliance side introductory questing for the Darkshore Warfront, then get killed and defeated in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront proper, and then a single Dark Warden gets killed in the Underhold during the Baine rescue scenario.


Are you actually using the player defeating Ysera for the Night Elves as a victory for them? Nothing about that was a victory. It was putting down a major force of nature that was, moments ago, their ally. It was a loss. Straight up, a loss. It was sad.

And you have to admit, those are some pretty bad attempts at describing ‘victories’ for them you got there. Liberated ashenvale for a time? That was their land to begin with, and to this day the phasing still shows it with majority Horde control and attacking their holdings, along with being on fire. BFA just made that worse, with them completely destroying their holdings there.


I was avoiding including anything that might be precived as “neutral” activities(Malfurion was fairly neutral until recently, but Tyrande has definitely always been Alliance, hence me adding the defeat of Xavius). Otherwise, that list would be longer with Illidan of all people leading the charged to end the Legion.

Alot of things in WoW are sad. From the fact that Kil’jaeden was a former brother to Velen. To Velen having killed his own son, but those are victories none the less because they still mean we get to keep living.

And? Argus is still uninhabitable. Gnomeregan still half plague. Lordearon nothing more than a shadow and Capital City a plague mess. Until recently Stormwind had a damn crater where the park was and now most of the population of Darkshire is either dead or a Legion supporter.

Azeroth is monstrously unfair. That was always the point. Any victory anyone got was always temporary at best. As a kid I had to deal with the fact the victories of the Alliance in Warcraft 2 meant little in the long run. For as long as Warcraft continues, I expect more things to get destroyed but I also expect new things will take it place, possibly better than the old like the aforementioned Park District.

This is my new favorite Galenorn quote.

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