The only thing killing Alliance right now

Rogues, druids, priests don’t do respectable damage. Rogues don’t even provide buffs.

i dont get whats so hard for players to understand, literally give both sides the same exact thing and it will be the most balanced or like 95%.

Paladins only do good burst. Not even great, just good. It’s accentuated by the fact that they can do it while immune for 10 (soon to be 12) seconds.

This gives them a strong niche in PVP.
PVE is a problem, though, and cold hard data proves it.

For the record, aside from the WoE rune working in PVP, which soon it won’t without a shield, I think shamans are 100% fine.

Glad we can agree on the needed paladin nerf, thank you.

TBH besides priests all other healers kinda suck, druids dont even go healing spec basically, shamans are just as bad as paladins, and when it comes to pvp Priests are still the only good healer. You can only spend 25 % of ur mana to set up hots on someone only for them to be deleted in 3 seconds anyways.

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Literally every class is supposed to have something they’re good at.
If you can’t beat a paladin it’s cause you’re not baiting and waiting the bubble first.

You need a buff to your skill level, not a nerf to a class.

Fixed the Alliance biggest problem right there.

are you not allowed to press the bg button or something?

And by the fact they will have a 6 second stub at lvl 54. It’s noice

I’m sorry. My tank is going ret now that I have bonebiter. I hope you can forgive me.

A thread full of pally shills, gd.

Pally is the strongest 1v1 class. The strongest pvp healer. If they’re weak right now it’s because all healers in pvp are paying a pennance tax from phase 1. A. Single pally can turn a 4v7 into a win. No other class can do that. Bubble, loh, bop, freedom…stop. You’re not good becauae you’re not 60 yet.

Actually the dumbest thing I’ve seen today.

No, but close

This is

Man forgot priest is the only healer to get any love in SOD

I don’t even care about the shamans. The paladin rune slots are horrible specially chest and legs.