The Only Solution To GDKP's!

Sounds like something a grey parser would say.
I just called my mom and she said she cares about my parses. My guild said they care about my parses. Would you like to try again to be proven wrong once more?


Gnomes are the most savage race on Azeroth.
Fuzzy there would be wise to step away. Slowly.

Gnomes get punted. They are nothing.

Then everything on the ah is tanded with rmt by that logic, so ban anyone who buys or sells on the ah

Don’t act like like the gold you got off your first gdkp was legit none rmt gold… don’t kid yourself…

You had gear going for 100g by random players week 2 of bfd
Just straight coincidence?
And don’t be one of those who responds with “ohh you can farm in a day or two” “I just got lucky with selling greens”
If you think about it where do you think they got that gold to buy your 50g green auction…
If I know one thing about the generation of gamers… they are lazy as ****…
Gdkps wouldn’t have such a a bad reputation if it wasn’t back by something corrupted…
Unfortunately it’s a playerbase problem… the only real way to fix it is people stop wanting to do them or players stop buying gold… neither is going to happen, it’s already just engraved into people minds

I haven’t done any GDKPs in SoD all my chars are tied up with guild runs most lockouts and when they aren’t its usually a last minute ms/os pug or simply don’t run that lockout.

I’m not staying you specifically it’s the idea that I’m trying to portray…

This has so little to do with RMT why is this even an issue, its just someones gold selling game thats excisted since vanilla. Like selling quest fish. Just make your own group run without it.


What a day to be alive


Get wrecked lil bro


I am very suprised about all this haha. Again it has never affected me though as I stick with guild runs in SOD. Congrats on the win. Interested in seeing how everything turns out. Hope its everything you all wished for!

So you never bought anything off the AH?

GDKP’s have nothing to do with AH prices and it has everything to do with BOT’s. Not sure if thats what you are implying here. Either way any mats and things I need on the AH are always ridiculously low so if GDKPs made the price low then thats great. Not looking forward to having all them GDKP’s banned and having my AH prices go up.

GDKPs spread the wealth around, which causes gold to devalue. As a result, prices go up.

As for ‘ridiculously low’. Nearly every mat I’ve seen is above 100% in terms of ‘current listing price’ vs ‘market value’; as recorded by TSM.

Bots are bringing the money in, but GDKPs have been ‘helicopter money-ing’ it to the masses.