The one customization option we all want

Dark ranger customization. We can do it for both alliance and horde.
Big red eyes, pale skin, super edgy lip stick, 10/10 this is how we make shadowlands great again.


not for alliance. Keep that undead filth away from my alliance. The undead kaldorei can remain in the horde.

laughs in super pale skin, dead looking death knight Alliance alt


If it’s customization.

I prefer if it’s Horde only.

The only undead the Alliance houses is Death Knights.


I remember there was an undead Blood Elf in the Warlock class hall with green lipstick, you mouseover her and shes humanoid, so I figured shes undead.

What about the hottie Blood Elf lady in New Dalaran who runs the archaeology shoppe? Those big blue eyes are to die for.

And undead battle pets.

Wait! true…

Why is it that Folks believe they can claim that “Everyone” wants something just because they themselves do.