The old Dawnbringer people

Hello all,
I grew up on this server and moved around after many years. I miss my people. Started in KottonMouth Kings in WOTLK and then Moved to Primal, became a raid leader with them and then merged with Deathrow Dynasty. I miss the people i used to raid with and i know some scattered to the WoW winds. People like Volbian, Thundarr, Malvado, Bruss, Ishrin and so on. I would absolutely love if someone knows someone and could put me in touch with them. My name back then was Strun.
Much love to you all.
Raid Team 3 FTW

Hello! My father is Dkwaric/Waric from Deathrow Dynasty’s raid team in WOTLK and Cata. I can have him btag you if you like :slight_smile:

(mukmuk is still around as well)