Pretty sure people are already planning on week 1 Rag kills. idk, we will figure it out, and it won’t bother me because it will take me a couple of weeks to even get to 60
My guess is 10 days.
That’s what I said, yes. Getting attuned to Molten Core is easily done before level 60. “Appropriately geared” the only person that needs decent gear is the main tank, and that is doable. You don’t NEED 40 people, let alone from the same guild. I’m not sure what gives you the impression everyone is required to have Honored rep with Hydraxian Warlords, you only need 8 people with the Aqual Quintessence to summon Majordomo Executus. Now I don’t expect it to be completed the first week on EVERY server, but for the most hardcore of the hardcore guilds, they will make it happen first week if they have a full week before raid resets.
I love that no one has mentioned that the only part of MC that has any kind of dps requirement is Golemagg which is based on how many shield walls you have.
So if you want to push content before you are geared bring extra healers and just outheal the fights. Rag will be tough if you have to keep doing multiple sons phases, but all the earlier bosses should be fairly easy.
Oh and you do not need FR for Rag. Was a melee dps for my guilds 2nd rag kill and had like 20 FR or less, and survived the fight despite healers being told to not give me as much healing because of my lack of FR.
FR is a waste of item budgeting and for every dps they should just use there dps gear to end the fight quicker.
23 days. I like number games.
The issue with your math is the lack of including the base set range in which the players individual power. By including their base range of ability to damage it reduces the possibility of hidden skew. Without including it creates a margin of error to big to ignore and is large enough. Simply attempting to do the math backwards without knowing the players stats creates to large of a variation for the equation when done correctly. Mostly because if you take into account the bosses supposed armor which is 4.7k then solely apply FF as an armor reduction that brings the physical reduction to a change of a meager few percents below his base damage reduction. Also the skew can be seen in your math since you got the wrong armor rating, which we have confirmed at 4,691 for maexxna. You can find it on the elitistjerks archives.
I know you can find another video that will include the needed requirements so please do. Sorry I have been finishing a project. However, I need to go lie down, been a terrible week for me.
Don’t ya know them private server raid mechanics are 100% spot on accurate…
Given the enthusiasm, so long as it doesn’t fizzle when their week one aspirations get obliterated, 28 days from launch day.
27 days
If Kungen is playing it’ll be cleared in the first week. Since he is having health issues I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets cleared in the second week.
Yeah, I notice people saying FR is only important on a tank, I can’t wait for that reality check. Private servers are definitely not accurate at all if that’s been their experience. Sure, after you’ve got most of your tier 1 (gianstalker atleast) you get resistances so FR was less important with the larger HP pool. But that’s after atleast a few clears as gear gets pushed out.
Most people are pulling their data from private server experiences, I think 2 weeks is way to generous. I am going with 40 days
I’m standing by 21 days. Mostly because the try hards will get there, shake off the reality check that hits them, and change their game plan to succeed.
I wasn’t going to respond, but now I kind of feel like I should.
I can see someone hitting 60 in 5 days /played, if they put in extreme time, I expect 2 weeks. Before the full 40 man is 60, 4 weeks.
Then the struggle for gear. By 6 weeks, a serious attempt to begin clearing.
Attunement can be done in the process. But the reputation grind will take an additional 4 weeks.
MC and Rag took 154 days to world first. But those players had to learn the fights, there wasn’t guides for them to follow. I expect 10 weeks, 70 days at the absolute fastest but I don’t think it will go that fast.
I’ll wager 15weeks/105 days if for no other reason than I think a majority of the blowhards on here never played classic and think private servers gave them an edge. Moreover, I don’t think those who actually played classic are coming here to push through the content quickly. But good luck with your pushes!
Beast lore’d armor for maexxna.
Never saw the EJ forum post on the armor, but I’ll look for it later this week
Its not just Maexxna its some super dusty archive with several bosses. Its a super ridiculous long one. It starts out as a “fighting match” over whose correct. It was posted on the old forums like super long ago when classic was announced.
Im not much help on the matter I just knew it was there
looks cleared to me in a week.
This did not age well
Rag cleared tonight HAHA
5 days lol
Did people really think that MC was going to be hard? There is 15 years of experience in playing MMOs and knowing how to beat that fight was set in stone 15 years ago.
They did it with people who werent even 60 yet.
Which tbh I think this is how raiding should be now; big groups of friends working together in fights that dont make you want to smash your fist through your screen.