The officers in my guild are getting demoted automatically as soon as they login!

And I can’t promote them back to officer… Any GMs has this problem also?

Are they using authenticators? Sounds like they have a role with permissions that require an authenticator to be attached.

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Yes the permission to require an authenticator is enabled on the officer rank. I managed to speak to my officer and he told me he had an update to his mobile app that dates back to Jan 8. He did the update yesterday. But if I try to promote him back to officer it says he doesn’t have an authenticator attached. He confirmed me that he never unattached the authenticator. Only his toons that he logged in are demoted. The toons that he didn’t log in are NOT displaying the “authenticator not attached” message.

Then he would need to work with the staff via ticket to sort out the authenticator issue. If the game isn’t seeing one attached, he won’t be able to get promoted. The offline characters won’t be checked for authenticators, they have to login first. However, when they do, they will likely see a demotion as well. Overall, it sounds like the protection mechanism in the guild is working as intended.

What he told me is that when he updated the app, he ended up with the new blizzard app and it asked him to reattach the authenticator with the new app. Which he did this morning (I guess he logged in a couple of his toons before opening the new app). But I still have the “authenticator not attached” message. I’ll have to wait for him to get back from work tonight to relog his toons to see if it’s fixed.

Blizzard ended support for the standalone authenticator app on January 5, 2024, so it sounds like he was not using one for some time.

I can confirm he was able to log in everyday without being demoted since Jan 5. And the required authenticator for officers has been enabled in my guild for more than a year…