The numbers are in!

Logic behooves you!

Someone who wasn’t insecure about the pop would just be playing the game, not trying to convince people who hate sod its not a bad dead game

Just a super weird post. Anniversary has been out for a month and barely anyone is 60 yet.

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So many weirdos in this thread, no wonder we cant have a conversation.

Your attempt to gaslight people into playing SoD again failed.

I’m sorry.


Stop gaslighting me into playing a lesser version of the game. You arent going to convince me to play Anniversary.

My pally on SoD would WHOOP you

sod been out a year, my mans posts raiglog numbers where everyone raids on 5 alts

like 13k individuals play sod

sod player having to come to a non sod forum is cope. when sod is over everyone will completely forget about it

carry on leveling 10 alts to raid with every week to try to show daddy aggrend sod is popular. lmao!

I’m sure he would, Ret Paladin can kill people in a single GCD on SoD.

Doesn’t make the experience good or fun.

lmao i just logged into my sod toon, orgrimmar is dry af, zero ABs up on ab weekend

meanwhile there are legit raids running around in every zone on anniv ranking


Wrecked kid

What server are you on? Free xfers to Crusader Strike and Wild Growth. Both mad popping. Ill see you in Org, surrounded by hundreds atm

crusader strike

I just checked for myself. nice try tho

0 abs up ab weekend on a friday lmao

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Whats your in game name? I smell BS

Ill invite you

add lazarak ill logback over when i get insode dm

youll notice the toon exists. i9 just checked. 0 abs up. dead game

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Weird lie, Org is popping right now. At the bank currently

Edit: Ab premade forming in chat too one of the first things I see, lmao


SoD is still dying.

Wrecked kid.

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Hey don’t pool me in with the weird SoD super fan over here :sweat_smile:

I’ve never seen them comment without that emoji. Like we get it bro, you’re constantly annoyed

weeks ago was when it launched. who are these friends of yours

Back? We mever went anywhere.