I’m sorry but SoD has less players and will die faster than anniversary.
There are more people raiding on SoD than anniversary, currently. Additionally, it saw an equivalent amount of week-over-week growth. Explain that for me with concrete facts rather than speculation?
This has been said several times now.
You are bad at this and have bad tastes.
Go outside and have fun bro. You shouldn’t be online right now.
How many people arent 60? Most of the people I know have hit 60 on Anniversary and have stopped raiding, or stopped playing Anniversary weeks ago.
Cope, seethe, mald. No one likes SoD.
Your copium that SoD is beating Anniversary servers is admirable but weird.
Won’t even mention only two raids are currently out for Anniversary.
No one is replying to your preditcable, ragebait posts. I’m trying to have a conversation with those who have common sense.
The numbers are on Ironforge.pro, have you looked? I’m not fabricating these facts. As expected, you did not provide me with how many people are not 60.
In my guild of 541, 37 are level 60.
How many have played within the last 7 days?
How am I meant to know exactly how many level 60 players there are in the entire game? I’m going off what I see when I play daily. And the vast, vast majority are still enjoying levelling.
The same could be said about SoD. Tons of people are leveling. If you cannot quantify the comparison, then your argument is moot. What you’ve shared is your opinion, nothing more.
SoD has had a year for people to reach 60, including the XP boosting. It still has significantly less players than anniversary servers. People like fresh, people like TBC - which SoD doesn’t appear to be progressing to.
More people are raiding on SoD than Anniversary today, and is matching Anniversary’s week-over-week growth. These are cold hard facts.
The best part is it’s likely underrepresented on SoD as most pugs and raids do NOT parse, unlike in Era/Anniversary.
This NELF is coping out of his mind.
Unfortunately, I’m having a discussion with folks who have no data to backup their claims. It’s hard for me to take the claims for Anniversary seriously without factual data to back them up.
Fresh posting account praying for SoD forum support to justify his WoW game time.
I play all versions (except Cata), SoD is king amongst the bunch.
Trolling aside, take a couple of hours to try SoD and I think you’ll be convinced. Its changed a lot
Your game is dead and you can cope all you want about it but it was a failure. getting extra raiders because of people being off for christmas means nothing