The NO CHANGES crowd are now advocating for changes

I mean, if we are getting layering, why not remove some Antiquated code to make things run more smoothly? The #nochanges is already flawed at its core because layering is in the game. There are also going to be tons of bug fixes in the game that weren’t fixed in classic. So again, it’s already flawed from the beginning. So why not just fix everything and use the modern client so there’s no lag issues or anything else whatsoever? But with classic mindset. I don’t know why everybody was screaming from the rooftops to include spell batching in the first place, just make it classic remastered and call it a day.

Well that’s what the bug reports are asking.

But they are not altering original code.
They are emulating original code and bugs were opened because their new code isn’t working correctly.

Blizzard would probably lose money if layering wasn’t in the game due to the number of people who would unsub when they realize that they can’t get out of the starting zone because of lag and 1,000 people fighting for the same mob.

Also if we go with this “Classic Remastered” mentality than that would mean Blizzard can implement a lot of changes.

Nice generalizing title. Anyways, I advocate for whatever vanilla was to be the same now. I don’t care what was bad, wrong, or negative about vanilla. I want every aspect to be the same from PVE, PVP, gameplay and all.

I don’t know every aspect of vanilla to say something is authentic but making Blizzard aware of something for them to verify shouldn’t be surprising. These people that you are referring to wanting changes are either wanting what was accurate in vanilla to be the same in classic and want confirmation if its working as intended or something totally against that. Any people that are not about what was original about vanilla and have a personal agenda are the problem. Those latter people are not about having the good and bad from vanilla into classic. They have their own vision of how the game should be. Wanting to make sure something is authentic to the original is wanting clarity and authenticity not something different from the original.

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I mean they have been ever since blizzard announced 1.12. They’re not really the #nochange crowd more of a #nochangeexceptthechangeswewant crowd. And god forbid you want to have a general discussion about changes that might include anything not on their preapproved list of changes, bunch of hypocrites.

ypur posts are always flavorless. The spell batching outcry would not be a change to authenticity, the current batching system is customary and not ow it worked in vanilla. Therefor it’s not a change they’re asking for but an adjustment back to current. I can’t wait to see you wipe in suppression room over and over with your casuals

The “No Changes” crowd does not want layering in the game. Layering is going to be in the game due to Blizzard fiat over server load concerns, and so the “No Changes” crowd is therefore pushing Blizzard to limit its impact on gameplay as much as possible and to strictly define when they are going to remove it completely.

True, spell batching right now in beta is not working the way it did in vanilla, as they revamped the batching system and it was a much bigger change than just changing a setting. But keep in mind it’s the #nochange crowd who wanted a spell batching system in the first place, they could have admitted it was a stupid mechanic and we would have just gotten the batching engine working properly.

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they add this but only give us the crappy AV GG blizz

Spell batching is fine, however with the scales of a game like bfa ot would not work. For vanilla, it does. And taking it out would be #changes

It’s 1.12 AV so technically working as intended.

Don’t take it out. Just fix it.
That is what bug reports are for.

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If things like this went live on a new game, they would be destroyed.

But spell batching is not working the same as it did in vanilla, spell batching was pretty deep into the server side processing engine and they have revamped it a lot to get it to the state it’s in today.

Just throwing a 400 MS delay on the current engine does not play at all like it did in vanilla.

Just like 10 yrd melee hits 15 if your a moo moo cow

Lol I never said that mobs were to weak or whatever. TBH I started just barely before BC was released so I wouldn’t know how strong elites were or anything. However, I do vividly remember chasing hunters through there frost trap in BG’s and I remember the slowing effect not being applied until I was atleast halfway through the patch of ice.

Speak for yourself!

The no changes crowd wants a Vanilla like version of the game.

The new spell batching “fix” they implimented clearly makes for gameplay not seen in any version of WoW EVER. Wanting this changed/removed is common sense.

Your post is designed to be sensational and to be a big “exposure” of people who advocated for the actual Vanilla game as close as possible. You just look — bad.


I don’t know about the other Mages, but when I used Blizzard in vanilla on my Mage, I used it to deal damage to a large amount of players, not to slow them.

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