The NO CHANGES crowd are now advocating for changes

A streamer on twitch found that because of spell batching, you can run through improved Blizzard without getting slowed, demonstrated by this clip.
This was posted on the classic subreddit and now people are asking for spell batching to be removed.

You can look through the entire thread yourself I’m just going to point out some of the highlight comments.

Such a crappy f***ing system (51 upvotes)

"…I don’t see the majority of people enjoying this mechanic, I hope it’s removed…(25 upvotes)

“Please fix the blizzard, Blizzard! This can’t be the way it’s intended. Makes blizzard totally useless in PvP.”

A majority of people wanted no changes, and Blizzard for the most part delivered. Now that people see what no changes mean, they want it reverted?


Yup. It’s fun ain’t it.

People could run through Imp. Blizzard without catching the slow. It’s how I used to hold the General’s room in AV on my frost mage, so I had whole contingencies planned around people slipping through


No changes.


I’m honestly not surprised that these things find support. I’d really hate to see J Allen Brack to be proven right by having people advocate for changes and trying to change Classic into something it’s not. Are we gonna see changes to Spell Batching, Leeway, and then have layering as another change on top of that? … what else?

How about just doing it like it was meant to be done from the start?
As in, create a faithful recreation of Vanilla WoW in “Classic”?

It’s all that people have been asking for for so many years, and tried to seek out by playing on private servers.

Blizzard has the big opportunity to deliver on this, but if they go through with changes like that, they just deliver a new version of Classic, missing the mark for those looking to play.



It is a change though. That is not the original spell batching code.
Classic is altered code to emulate spell batching.

A few bugs have been opened on this. Blizz may need to adjust how they attempted to emulate spell batching from vanilla.

We are already getting a new version of classic.


I don’t think its that people want “changes”. Spell batching and leeway in the game now are NOT working like these did back then. They will probably never work like these did back then. Blizzards attempt to make things like Vanilla from 2004 is in fact making these issues far worse.

I honestly thing that the spell batching is what is causing the hunter and lock pets to freak out.


2 of the 3 things you mentioned were in vanilla. Wasn’t sure if you knew that or not.

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Personally never wanted Batching (as it was in 1.12) added back in outside of authenticity it serves no use.

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I love when people make claims like this. Do you have any evidence? Are there any videos of top level PvPers abusing these mechanics? Please provide evidence of your claim. Thank you.

FYI: I am a multi season Glad “on my OTHER account” That I “sold”…/s

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Maybe Blizzards Classic is “merely a setback”…

Do I have evidence of something that used to happen in AV circa 2005? Nope. But neither the OP nor the bug report offer evidence that it’s not working as intended, either.

and what does anybody being a gladiator on a sold account have to do with anything? This isn’t a title or achievement issue, there’s nothing in an account that would demonstrate how my spells used to work in Vanilla. I guess you will just have to accept the anecdotal recollections of any Frost Mage who’s ever put down a blizzard and watched mobs or players run halfway or entirely through it without catching the slow.

Aside from that… Therapy?


Dunno about everyone else but as a Paladin I could run around in Blizzard pretty well :wink:


Paladin seals are also acting funny timing wise.
A bug was opened in the beta forum on it.

That’s not advocating changes.

Spell batching the way it’s done now is not how classic worked. It’s a very failed emulation that simply put spells into low priority task.

I think they shoudl fix it.



Okey, i can see how you could read it this way from the way i typed the message.

I actually meant that people want to see leeway and spell batching changed, and then i put layering in the bunch together with them, cause it’d also be another deviation that is inc if people support this change too to make it into live.

Thanks for pointing that out, english isn’t my first language so sometimes i don’t notice this sorts of stuff!

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The “No Changes” crowd doesn’t want this reverted. They want as authentic a recreation as possible, warts and all.

Nobody in the “No Changes” crowd wants to open the door for Blizzard to start deciding which changes are ok


No issue against spell batching but the current version is not original.

It sounds like they’ve adjusted it out a bit far, as far as modern systems are concerned.

Are they going to emulate server crashes and disconnects into my gameplay too? I think anyone would agree that’s “going too far”. I’m not on beta, so I have no opinion on batching tuning myself.


I think there’s still enough time to get those right. It’s good people notice when things are off, so they can investigate and figure out how exactly to get it all working the way it was.

Will they make it? I don’t know, but seeing as they put spell batching and leeway back into the game, i think they’re commited to get them working as close to the original as possible. That’s what counts for me at least. And i really appreciate that they care for those details to also be in the game!