The next season of mastery

Can we get any official statement on the next season? As part of that community we talk about it daily and any information would greatly be appreciated.


Make the announcement blizzard, we need this.


So true bestie.

Onslaught girdle ret prio btw.


I could dig doing another Ironman run. Best part of the previous SoM

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The best we have is from one of the producers for Classic WoW in the Era discord. Not a lot to go on, but at least we know they are paying attention.

I can’t say when or give any details. All I can say is that we got a lot of great ideas from the community over recent months, and learned a ton watching how folks interacted with SoM and are very excited for the possibilities for potential new seasons :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just a blue post telling us there will be another fresh would give the community something to hold onto



Since blizzard won’t let me just post this…
Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?

100% agree. I really hope with the new leadership they continue to make progress in improving communication.

Gaming companies have this idea that if they have nothing new to update on that they shouldn’t say anything at all, and its just the furthest from the truth. There is reason we get DAILY emails from different retailers nowadays.

But if they would just hop in once a month to even say something as simple as

“Hey everyone! We are continuously taking not of feedback and look forward to our next season of classic coming this year!”,

it would make a huge difference.

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Now that phase 2 is confirmed coming on the 19th hopefully we can get news on the second season : )


Please Blizz, I really want to keep paying my sub. But i hate retail and wrath, SOM 2 or fresh Vanilla is the only reason for me to keep subbing.


officially there arent any more coming.

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How could a pally have that much negative energy

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Can I save this post for later?

I don’t really care if you don’t either.

We can tap a beer together regardless

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If I were to bet I’d say 4th quarter of 23 or 1st of 24.

Have to imagine by then there will be some content drought they will need to fill and what easier then a SOM or a fresh Van server or two

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wrath + dragon quest will be a content drought far before then

Yes… there’s a new thread everyday. Blizzard plz respond.


Im getting that classic feel again. Pbbly gonna go tauren 2h enh shaman for the first time ever on horde side. Meme specs for life! XD


I’m starting to get a bad feeling that we ain’t gonna see it for a while

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I hope this isn’t the case. I am kinda predicting March/April myself based on absolutely nothing lol