The new UI is

I once read that nearly 70% of people hate change of any sort and adapting is hard for them. Any change to the format was going to create an uproar. You cannot please everyone and things need to change to become better over time.

97.48321% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

Honestly, just let me move the exp bar, the bag bar, and the micromenu and I’ll be completely satisfied


I’m 76.34721% sure you’re making that up.

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You had that stuff available to you before. It’s called addons.

42.891% sure you’re right about that one.

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That’s pretty much all I’d like too. Only reason I’m trying to get bartender to work for me.

Also the new dungeon finder eye. I don’t like it being in the bottom right like that. I feel like it’s mocking me-


oh i know, i just liked the previous icons more (love all the new features tho), they deffs went with the corporate minimalism update but lost a little of the cool gritt the previous art style had.

well, they tried.

I can’t say it’s good honestly. It’s a fine enough foundation, but without pretty much everything and then some more i’ve listed off in my thread about it on PTR, my opinion on it when i’m able to play the pre-patch was lowered and just only made me grab the latest update for Bartender4 and LTP.

I enjoyed my time adjusting things in those two addons more then i’ve ever did in Blizzard’s Edit mode. And no, i’m not waiting 2 years or 2 months if you want to be charitable until it gets “better”. They had like a decade and a half to make it like the addons and then some more, but they simply didn’t. It’s not end worldingly awful, it’s just not good.

Simply put, Blizzard’s stuff isn’t good enough. You got to have more then a few options. And it’s a reason why i’m still going with LTP and BT4. Infact, because of this new UI, i got more addons like Sexymaps (not a fond of the new clean art style personally) and MiniMapTracker.

The one of some of the good things i have to give credit is they gave us 4 class bars so the other action bars are free for us, so meaning we can have 8 bars at once. Plus a werid bonus action bar. (Literally that’s what it’s called)

…So you’re asking Blizzard to not listen to you then?

How starightforward? Because i can’t find the button to disable talking heads. Or the option to move the XP bar, menu bars, and so on.

If it was so straightforward, i would’ve done that already by now.

And i had a good time making my Candy Corn Pumpkin Pie, but that doesn’t mean the result is going to be 100% good.

Really? :thinking:

Because i don’t see the vast amount of options Bartender4 has, like precise positions for the elements via number boxes for example. Or Hiding Hoykey/macrotext and exipped borders. Or have it be clicked though. Or the extensive fade out options with custom conditions. Or State configs.

Not to be that sort, but how much is ‘almost’ here?

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