The new transmog farming system in TWW

So…it was announced and everyone was excited, that we could finally get all transmogs on any character…why in the world did anything think it was a good idea to ADD CLASS RESTRICTIONS! i mean come on! I was so excited for this! Do you know how many times ive farmed a specific piece of amor for one class for it to NOT drop then get it on another character when i run it on someone else?! I thought that was this point of this change! Please remove the class restrictions for looting transmog…
Just check out the comments on this video…

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I don’t think the attitude should be boo-Blizzard bad when this is a step in the right direction and will be a huge improvement.
Should class restrictions be removed? Yes.
But it’s most likely a bit of a time-consuming side project that isn’t taking priority during a new expansion development.

Keep in mind there are tier sets that are just tokens, not gear pieces. They said from the very beginning that they weren’t sure they could make tier work in this system.

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They didn’t add them, they already existed.