The new PVP system needs to be explained better

Hi all, looking to see if someone can explain the PVP system at a more elementary level. The article posted was poorly written. The more I read it the more confused I get.

TLDR, It explains acquisition of CP with the formula and examples, but there is no explanation of how honor is calculated into CP.

Basically what I am looking for is how much honor it takes to max out CP before you hit a brick wall. For me personally, I am starting off at rank 1. How much honor do I need to farm to maximize ranking each week.

Post based off of this article:

As of right now, 500k. That’s the cap. Just get 500k every week and you will have rank 14 in 8 weeks. Along with everybody else.

The 500k ensures that max gain is always reached each weekly calculation. It’s possible that there may be no meaningful difference between that max gain and, say, second-highest or third-highest gain for a given rank transitioning between ranks with variable gain rates. In other words, there may be a more nuanced min-max approach that doesn’t require hitting the 500k cap every week depending on a player’s current rank/CP.

The way I understand it is that you can only get the maximum contribution of a rank 4 levels higher than your current rank.

If you are rank 1, you can only get CP from rank 5. If you are rank 3, you can only get CP from rank 7 honor… etc. Honestly its going to take significantly longer to get Rank 14 than last patch, but the decay and lax of de-ranking means you can still gain CP while only being very close to your current ranking in terms of honor.

So its a “waste” to PVP above that amount each week. Honestly the curve seems really aggressive and I tried to balance it based on all the values given in the example post and came up with the below equation.

For the nerds, I extrapolated a curve and y = -9407.051 + 11082.26x - 1943.109x^2 + 267.8953*x^3 seems to fit where Y is the Honor required to hit a rank threshold, and X is the Rank.

Rank Honor CP Change Factor
1 -0.004699999999 0 1
2 7128.1954 2000 1
3 13584.9211 5000 1
4 20977.5442 10000 0.8
5 30913.4365 15000 0.8
6 44999.9698 20000 0.8
7 64844.5159 25000 0.7
8 92054.4466 30000 0.7
9 128237.1337 35000 0.6
10 174999.949 40000 0.5
11 233950.2643 45000 0.5
12 306695.4514 50000 0.4
13 394842.8821 55000 0.4
14 499999.9282 60000 0.34

So basically if you wanted an excel sheet macro you would do (Rank+4 CP - Rank+3 CP)*Rank+4 Change Factor + (Rank +3 CP-Rank+2CP) *Rank+3 Change factor… all the way down to your current rank.

Plugging in for a Fastest Run to max would be

CP Rank Honor Required
Week 1 9000 3 21000
Week 2 24500 6 64844
Week 3 37000 9 175000
Week 4 49500 11 394842
Week 5 55200 13 500000
Week 6 56900 13 500000
Week 7 58600 13 500000
Week 8 60300 14 500000

This matches the 8 Week to rank 14 they stated in the original post, so I am going to assume I am at least close.

Adding an edit here since I see people commenting about this a lot.

“If the player’s “expected rank” is greater than or equal to their current rank, then for each rank above their own (up to a maximum of 4 ranks), they are awarded the difference in CP between each rank above theirs and the next below it, multiplied by the honor change factor for that rank.”

Based on the item they said is that you can only qualify for the CP gain of ranks +4 to their current rank. So based on if you start the rank at “0” or “1” slightly changes things since that means you can qualify for CP at Rank 4 or 5 respectively which means you could theoretically gain 4 ranks, but besides that first rank jump there is mathematically not enough CP to jump a quad rank based on their math.

Assuming R1 is really the start and not “0” as I did the original math…

(R2-R1)R2 CF+(R3-R2) R3CF+(R4-R3)R4CF+(R5-R4)R5CF + original CR =
.8 + 0 (starting with nothing)=
2000+3000+4000+4000+0 = 13000 which is slightly over halfway into R4.

IF you assume 0 is a rank, you lose that last 4k since +4 ranks only gives you CP from 1, 2, 3, 4. That means you can only hit R3.

Again, I am only interpretation their poorly explained system.


Plugging in for a Fastest Run to max would be

CP Rank Honor Required
Week 1 9000 3 21000
Week 2 24500 6 64844
Week 3 37000 9 175000
Week 4 49500 11 394842
Week 5 55200 13 500000
Week 6 56900 13 500000
Week 7 58600 13 500000
Week 8 60300 14 500000

This is more helpful than anything blizzard posted. Thank you for this. However, I am still confused. For this chart, are you starting at rank 3 for week 1?

I’m going to try to answer you from the way I read it and I do think Blizzard should explain this a bit better but I do want to say that people do not come here just to help you so you are not entitled to it. We aren’t Blizzard customer support. I’ve tried to help you before and you frankly didn’t even seem to care that I spent any of my time doing so.

The blue post does say you can earn a maximum of 4 ranks which means that if you’re rank 0 you can only get to rank 4 so yes there is no point the first week in farming out the full 500k of the last bracket. Which is actually just as it has always been.

I’m not a huge fan of spreadsheet math or theorycrafting. The only thing I’d take issue with about what Dragonballz said is in showing that the max rank for week 1 is 3 when it should be 4 based on Blizzards blue post:

If you farm out 100k in week 1 you should be safe to get from R0 to R4 which as per that post is the max. That actually seems to be only 31k required but I’m being safe.

Maybe Blizzard will break it down better for you or a new calculator will be put up that makes things easy, or another poster will come alone who wants to help you, but maybe not.

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I’m pretty sure that’s starting unranked. If you get 21,000 honor week 1 you will get rank 3 next update. If you get 64,844 the next week you will get rank 6 the following update etc.

I don’t think you can increase up to four ranks per week. The way I calculate it, the most you can do in a week is 3 ranks.

I think the reference to “4 ranks” is merely an upper limit for calculating CP.


Then this makes alot more sense. Thank you so much guys :]. Hopefully other players find this thread helpful in their journey. For those that have ranked in the past you damn well know when you hit your honor cap for the week that’s when you take your hands on the keyboard and take a break. The reason I brought attention to this was because there are countless players that are hard stuck in thinking they need to grind 500k honor/week at lower ranks when that is quite opposite of how the system works

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“If the player’s “expected rank” is greater than or equal to their current rank, then for each rank above their own (up to a maximum of 4 ranks), they are awarded the difference in CP between each rank above theirs and the next below it, multiplied by the honor change factor for that rank.”

Based on the item they said is that you can only qualify for the CP gain of ranks +4 to their current rank. So based on if you start the rank at “0” or “1” slightly changes things since that means you can qualify for CP at Rank 4 or 5 respectively which means you could theoretically gain 4 ranks, but besides that first rank jump there is mathematically not enough CP to jump a quad rank based on their math.

Assuming R1 is really the start and not “0” as I did the original math…

(R2-R1)*R2 CF+(R3-R2) *R3CF+(R4-R3)*R4CF+(R5-R4)*R5CF + original CR =
2000x1+3000x1+5000x.8+5000x.8 + 0 (starting with nothing)=
2000+3000+4000+4000+0 = 13000 which is slightly over halfway into R4.

IF you assume 0 is a rank, you lose that last 4k since +4 ranks only gives you CP from 1, 2, 3, 4. That means you can only hit R3.

Again, I am only interpretation their poorly explained system.

We should know more next week, but one question I have is whether the “fourth rank” is a cap or if you get CP for progression into that final rank.

I’ll be testing it this week on my Rank 1, 0% toon. I’m going to stop at 42k honor, which should be just below the honor required for Rank 6, to see if I get CP credit for the progress into R5, or if it’s a hard cap at Rank 5.

My guess is it’s a hard cap at R5, but who knows.

Excellent work!

Ill do some testing, I have a Pala at R7 and a rooog at R9 (right now).

Ill minimal effort this to see how it plays according to your calculations… even if it sets me back a week I dont mind it at all.


Feels weird to be over capped at 130k honor at rank 3 but oh well. See y’all at r14 I guess

I doubt most will get past R11

I might rank this druid I’m leveling so I can get the fast mount and farm with next to no competition for… reasons I’m going to get slapped for by “someone”.

Although the possible gearing at 60 on here is so incredibly bad that it would have to be through AV or I’d feel bad… but getting to R11 seems quite doable by the people who can’t play that much. Maybe that will keep more engagement over time.

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I mean if all I gotta do is maintain 500k for 3 weeks that’s light work. I could rank every class

Just gotta time it so you are R9 the week before AV weekend and then grind 394k on AV weekend, which is totally doable given the gear disparity.

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For you and I sure, but most players may do like 100k max a week.

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Can someone tell me if 500k is the MINIMUM amount to achieve ANY progress from rank 13-14? For example could I earn 300k and still earn progress from 13-14, albeit slower? Or will i actually decay the week I earn 300k?

if you’re doing r11 on a druid, you may as well do 13

14 isn’t worth it unless you want to heal a lot